




  • checkpatch.pl脚本突出显示了从已接受代码书写风格上的背离.这将鼓励使用此脚本的人去改正格式问题.因此,通过增加风格引导的透明性,我们增加了代码表现上的一致性,而且在一定程度上改善了质量.
  • 内嵌的"lockdep"系统动态估量锁之间的依赖和相关状态(比如当可打断时).它将在锁异常时报告所用发生的事情.异常不只是死锁或者类似问题,而是许多事情,并且死锁可能被移除.因此通过增加锁依赖图的透明性,可以提高质量.
  • 内核包含多种其他的透明性改善,比如定位未使用内存的位置来提高有效访问的透明性,或者在堆栈跟踪时用象征性名字而不是16进制地址使得bug报告更加有用.
  • 在更高层面,用git版本来追踪软件改变,看到每个人何时做了什么.事实是它鼓励在patch上加注释来回答这段代码为什么这样写.这种透明性可以增进对代码的理解,而且随着其他开发者更好被通知而改善质量.











Andrew Morton说:


这个kref结论在linux内核里给出了一个tick和一个明显的设计模式的支持.A tick意味着kref清楚地封装了一种重要设计模式.这里有一些引用计数的使用,kref模型不是特别适用.引用计数不提供希望的函数功能实际上会出错,有时候人们在不该用的时候用来kref,事实上并不有效.






    assert(obj->refcount > 0) ; increment(obj->refcount);


    BUG_ON(atomic_read(&obj->refcnt)) ; atomic_inc(&obj->refcnt);



   1      atomic_dec(&obj->refcnt);

   2      if (atomic_dec_and_test(&obj->refcnt)) { ... do stuff ... }

   3      if (atomic_dec_and_lock(&obj->refcnt, &subsystem_lock)) {
                 ..... do stuff ....


风格2是kref的风格.当一个对象在最后一个外部引用失效时这种风格是合适 的.当引用计数为0,这个对象需要被释放或者做其他处理.因此,需要检测是否未0.




An interesting example of this style of reference that does not use kref, and does not even useatomic_dec_and_test() (though it could and arguably should) are the two ref counts in struct super:s_count and s_active.





  • S_BAIS设置为1
  • grab_super用atomic_inc_not_zero而不是检测S_BIAS



The Linux kernel doesn‘t have a "kcref" object, but that is a name that seems suitable to propose for the next style of reference count. The "c" stands for "cached" as this style is very often used in
caches. So it is a Kernel Cached REFerence.

A kcref uses atomic_dec_and_lock() as given in option 3 above. It does this because, on the last put, it needs to be freed or checked to see if any other special handling is needed. This needs
to be done under a lock to ensure no new reference is taken while the current state is being evaluated.

A simple example here is the i_count reference counter in struct inode. The important part of iput()reads:

    if (atomic_dec_and_lock(&inode->i_count, &inode_lock))

where iput_final() examines the state of the inode and decides if it can be destroyed, or left in the cache in case it could get reused soon.

Among other things, the inode_lock prevents new external references being created from the internal references of the inode hash table. For this reason converting internal references to external
references is only permitted while the inode_lock is held. It is no accident that the function supporting this is called iget_locked() (or iget5_locked()).

A slightly more complex example is in struct dentry, where d_count is managed like a kcref. It is more complex because two locks need to be taken before we can be sure no new reference
can be taken - both dcache_lock and de->d_lock. This requires that either we hold one lock, thenatomic_dec_and_lock() the other (as in prune_one_dentry()), or that we atomic_dec_and_lock() the first, then claim
the second and retest the refcount - as in dput(). This is good example of the fact that you can never assume you have encapsulated all possible reference counting styles. Needing two locks could hardly be foreseen.

An even more complex kcref-style refcount is mnt_count in struct vfsmount. The complexity here is the interplay of the two refcounts that this structure has: mnt_count, which
is a fairly straightforward count of external references, and mnt_pinned, which counts internal references from the process accounting module. In particular it counts the number of accounting files that are open on the filesystem (and as such could
use a more meaningful name). The complexity comes from the fact that when there are only internal references remaining, they are all converted to external references. Exploring the details of this is again left as an exercise for the interested reader.

The "plain" style

The final style for refcounting involves just decrementing the reference count (atomic_dec()) and not doing anything else. This style is relatively uncommon in the kernel, and for good reason.
Leaving unreferenced objects just lying around isn‘t a good idea.

One use of this style is in struct buffer_head, managed by fs/buffer.c and <linux/buffer_head.h>. Theput_bh() function is simply:

    static inline void put_bh(struct buffer_head *bh)

This is OK because buffer_heads have lifetime rules that are closely tied to a page. One or more buffer_heads get allocated to a page to chop it up into smaller pieces (buffers). They tend to remain there
until the page is freed at which point all the buffer_heads will be purged (bydrop_buffers() called from try_to_free_buffers()).

In general, the "plain" style is suitable if it is known that there will always be an internal reference so that the object doesn‘t get lost, and if there is some process whereby this internal reference
will eventually get used to find and free the object.


To wrap up this little review of reference counting as an introduction to design patterns, we will discuss the related concept of an anti-pattern. While design patterns are approaches that have been shown
to work and should be encouraged, anti-patterns are approaches that history shows us do not work well and should be discouraged.

Your author would like to suggest that the use of a "bias" in a refcount is an example of an anti-pattern. A bias in this context is a large value that is added to, or subtracted from, the reference count
and is used to effectively store one bit of information. We have already glimpsed the idea of a bias in the management of s_count for superblocks. In this case the presence of the bias indicates that the value of s_active is non-zero, which
is easy enough to test directly. So the bias adds no value here and only obscures the true purpose of the code.

Another example of a bias is in the management of struct sysfs_dirent, in fs/sysfs/sysfs.h andfs/sysfs/dir.c. Interestingly, sysfs_dirent has two refcounts just like
superblocks, also called s_countand s_active. In this case s_active has a large negative bias when the entry is being deactivated. The same bit of information could be stored just as effectively and much more clearly in the flag
words_flags. Storing single bits of information in flags is much easier to understand that storing them as a bias in a counter, and should be preferred.

In general, using a bias does not add any clarity as it is not a common pattern. It cannot add more functionality than a single flag bit can provide, and it would be extremely rare that memory is so tight
that one bit cannot be found to record whatever would otherwise be denoted by the presence of the bias. For these reasons, biases in refcounts should be considered anti-patterns and avoided if at all possible.


This brings to a close our exploration of the various design patterns surrounding reference counts. Simply having terminology such a "kref" versus "kcref" and "external" versus "internal" references can
be very helpful in increasing the visibility of the behaviour of different references and counts. Having code to embody this as we do with kref and could with kcref, and using this code at every opportunity, would be a great help both to developers who might
find it easy to choose the right model first time, and to reviewers who can see more clearly what is intended.

The design patterns we have covered in this article are:

  • kref: When the lifetime of an object extends only to the moment that the last external reference is dropped, a kref is appropriate. If there are any internal reference to the object, they can only be promoted to external references with atomic_inc_not_zero().
    Examples:s_active and s_count in struct super_block.
  • kcref: With this the lifetime of an object can extend beyond the dropping of the last external reference, the kcref with its atomic_dec_and_lock() is appropriate. An internal reference can only be converted to an external reference
    will the subsystem lock is held. Examples: i_countin struct inode.
  • plain: When the lifetime of an object is subordinate to some other object, the plain reference pattern is appropriate. Non-zero reference counts on the object must be treated as internal reference to the parent object, and converting internal
    references to external references must follow the same rules as for the parent object. Examples: b_count in struct buffer_head.
  • biased-reference: When you feel the need to use add a large bias to the value in a reference count to indicate some particular state, don‘t. Use a flag bit elsewhere. This is an anti-pattern.

Next week we will move on to another area where the Linux kernel has proved some successful design patterns and explore the slightly richer area of complex data structures. (Part 2 and part 3of
this series are now available).


As your author has been reminded while preparing this series, there is nothing like a directed study of code to clarify understanding of these sorts of issues. With that in mind, here are some exercises
for the interested reader.

  1. Replace s_active and s_count in struct super with krefs, discarding S_BIAS in the process. Compare the result with the original using the trifecta of Correctness, Maintainability, and Performance.
  2. Choose a more meaningful name for mnt_pinned and related functions that manipulate it.
  3. Add a function to the kref library that makes use of atomic_inc_not_zero(), and using it (or otherwise) remove the use of atomic_dec_and_lock() on a kref in net/sunrpc/svcauth.c - a usage which violates the kref abstraction.
  4. Examine the _count reference count in struct page (see mm_types.h for example) and determine whether it behaves most like a kref or a kcref (hint: it is not "plain"). This should involve identifying any and all internal references
    and related locking rules. Identify why the page cache (struct address_space.page_tree) owns a counted reference or explain why it should not. This will involve understanding page_freeze_refs() and its usage in__remove_mapping(),
    as well as page_cache_{get,add}_speculative().

Bonus credit: provide a series of minimal self-contained patches to implement any changes that the above investigations proved useful.


时间: 2024-08-29 03:32:18



原文来自: 选择感兴趣内容简单翻译了下: 在内核社区一直以来的兴趣是保证质量.我们需要保证和改善质量是显而易见的.但是如何做到却不是那么简单.一个广泛的办法是找到一些成功之处来增加内核在多方面的透明性.这将使得这些方面的质量变得更加明朗,因此将改变内核质量. 采用多种形式增加透明性: checkpatch.pl脚本突出显示了从已接受代码书写风格上的背离.这将鼓励使用此脚本的人去改正格式问题.因此,通过增加风格引导的透明性,我们增加了代

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