【codewar-4kyu】Snail 待学习



Snail Sort

Given an n x n array, return the array elements arranged from outermost elements to the middle element, traveling clockwise.

array = [[1,2,3],
snail(array) #=> [1,2,3,6,9,8,7,4,5]

For better understanding, please follow the numbers of the next array consecutively:

array = [[1,2,3],
snail(array) #=> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]

This image will illustrate things more clearly:

NOTE: The idea is not sort the elements from the lowest value to the highest; the idea is to traverse the 2-d array in a clockwise snailshell pattern.

NOTE 2: The 0x0 (empty matrix) is represented as [[]]我好像最后还是没考虑空矩阵的处理。。。啊啊啊啊,路漫漫啊

 1 helper = PaginationHelper([‘a‘,‘b‘,‘c‘,‘d‘,‘e‘,‘f‘], 4)
 2 helper.page_count # should == 2
 3 helper.item_count # should == 6
 4 helper.page_item_count(0)  # should == 4
 5 helper.page_item_count(1) # last page - should == 2
 6 helper.page_item_count(2) # should == -1 since the page is invalid
 8 # page_ndex takes an item index and returns the page that it belongs on
 9 helper.page_index(5) # should == 1 (zero based index)
10 helper.page_index(2) # should == 0
11 helper.page_index(20) # should == -1
12 helper.page_index(-10) # should == -1 because negative indexes are invalid





1 #方案1
2 def snail(array):
3     return list(array[0]) + snail(zip(*array[1:])[::-1]) if array else []
 1 #方案2
 2 def snail(array):
 3     ret = []
 4     if array and array[0]:
 5         size = len(array)
 6         for n in xrange((size + 1) // 2):
 7             for x in xrange(n, size - n):
 8                 ret.append(array[n][x])
 9             for y in xrange(1 + n, size - n):
10                 ret.append(array[y][-1 - n])
11             for x in xrange(2 + n, size - n + 1):
12                 ret.append(array[-1 - n][-x])
13             for y in xrange(2 + n, size - n):
14                 ret.append(array[-y][n])
15     return ret
def snail(array):
    a = []
    while array:
        array = zip(*array)
    return a

下面是我自己的。。。完全没用到 python 高效的东西,只用了最最基本的函数,太弱智了

 1 #为方便本地调试,加了很多 print,提交的时候需要注释掉
 2 def snail(array):
 3     ans = []
 4     if len(array) == 1: # preven "index out of range"!!!
 5         ans = array[0]
 6         #print ans
 7         return ans
 8     len_row = len(array) - 1
 9     len_col = len(array[1]) - 1
10     all = (len_row + 1) * (len_col +1 )
11     #print len_col
12     over_row = 0
13     over_col = 0
14     while over_col <= len_col/2:
15         row = over_row  # current row
16         col = over_col
17         while over_col <= col < len_col - over_col:
18             now = array[row][col]
19             ans.append(now)
20             col += 1
21             #print ‘now == ‘, now
22         #print ‘this row over, col ==‘, col
24         while over_row <= row < len_row - over_row :
25             now = array[row][col]
26             ans.append(now)
27             row += 1
28             #print ‘now == ‘, now
29         #print ‘this col over, row ==‘, row
31         while over_col < col <= len_col - over_col:
32             now = array[row][col]
33             ans.append(now)
34             col -= 1
35             #print ‘now == ‘, now
36         #print ‘this reverse row over, col ==‘, col
38         while over_row < row <= len_row - over_row:
39             now = array[row][col]
40             ans.append(now)
41             row -= 1
42             #print ‘now == ‘, now
43     #print ‘this reverse col over, col ==‘, row
45         over_row += 1
46         over_col += 1
47         #print ‘print over_row == ‘, over_row, ‘print over_col == ‘, over_col
48     if len(ans) < all:
49         last = int(len_row/2)
50         ans.append(array[last][last])
51     #print ans
52     return ans
时间: 2024-10-14 00:54:54

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