linux 查看内存信息,及其他硬件信息 dmidecode命令

由于想换内存,想看看内存型号、频率,简单搜了下命令 可以用dmidecode 命令查看。

dmidecode -t memory

这个命令可以查看内存的几乎所有信息,包括频率 大小等等

另外这个命令强大到几乎可以查任何硬件信息 包括bios cpu 等,应该是只有在dmi总线上的都可以查

dmidecode -t
dmidecode: option requires an argument -- ‘t‘
Type number or keyword expected
Valid type keywords are:


dmidecode --help
Usage: dmidecode [OPTIONS]
Options are:
 -d, --dev-mem FILE     Read memory from device FILE (default: /dev/mem)
 -h, --help             Display this help text and exit
 -q, --quiet            Less verbose output
 -s, --string KEYWORD   Only display the value of the given DMI string
 -t, --type TYPE        Only display the entries of given type
 -u, --dump             Do not decode the entries
     --dump-bin FILE    Dump the DMI data to a binary file
     --from-dump FILE   Read the DMI data from a binary file
     --no-sysfs         Do not attempt to read DMI data from sysfs files
     --oem-string N     Only display the value of the given OEM string
 -V, --version          Display the version and exit


dmidecode参数string及type列表: (1)Valid string keywords are: bios-vendor bios-version bios-release-date system-manufacturer system-product-name system-version system-serial-number system-uuid baseboard-manufacturer baseboard-product-name baseboard-version baseboard-serial-number baseboard-asset-tag chassis-manufacturer chassis-type chassis-version chassis-serial-number chassis-asset-tag processor-family processor-manufacturer processor-version processor-frequency (2)Valid type keywords are: bios system baseboard chassis processor memory Cache connector slot (3)type全部编码列表: BIOS System Base Board Chassis Processor Memory Controller Memory Module Cache Port Connector System Slots On Board Devices OEM Strings System Configuration Options BIOS Language Group Associations System Event Log Physical Memory Array Memory Device 32-bit Memory Error Memory Array Mapped Address Memory Device Mapped Address Built-in Pointing Device Portable Battery System Reset Hardware Security System Power Controls Voltage Probe Cooling Device Temperature Probe Electrical Current Probe Out-of-band Remote Access Boot Integrity Services System Boot 64-bit Memory Error Management Device Management Device Component Management Device Threshold Data Memory Channel IPMI Device Power Supply Additional Information Onboard Device



(1)Valid string keywords are:

  • bios-vendor
  • bios-version
  • bios-release-date
  • system-manufacturer
  • system-product-name
  • system-version
  • system-serial-number
  • system-uuid
  • baseboard-manufacturer
  • baseboard-product-name
  • baseboard-version
  • baseboard-serial-number
  • baseboard-asset-tag
  • chassis-manufacturer
  • chassis-type
  • chassis-version
  • chassis-serial-number
  • chassis-asset-tag
  • processor-family
  • processor-manufacturer
  • processor-version
  • processor-frequency

(2)Valid type keywords are:

  • bios
  • system
  • baseboard
  • chassis
  • processor
  • memory
  • Cache
  • connector
  • slot


  • BIOS
  • System
  • Base Board
  • Chassis
  • Processor
  • Memory Controller
  • Memory Module
  • Cache
  • Port Connector
  • System Slots
  • On Board Devices
  • OEM Strings
  • System Configuration Options
  • BIOS Language
  • Group Associations
  • System Event Log
  • Physical Memory Array
  • Memory Device
  • 32-bit Memory Error
  • Memory Array Mapped Address
  • Memory Device Mapped Address
  • Built-in Pointing Device
  • Portable Battery
  • System Reset
  • Hardware Security
  • System Power Controls
  • Voltage Probe
  • Cooling Device
  • Temperature Probe
  • Electrical Current Probe
  • Out-of-band Remote Access
  • Boot Integrity Services
  • System Boot
  • 64-bit Memory Error
  • Management Device
  • Management Device Component
  • Management Device Threshold Data
  • Memory Channel
  • IPMI Device
  • Power Supply
  • Additional Information
  • Onboard Device


查看服务器型号:dmidecode | grep ‘Product Name‘

查看主板的序列号:dmidecode |grep ‘Serial Number‘

查看系统序列号:dmidecode -s system-serial-number

查看内存信息:dmidecode -t memory

查看OEM信息:dmidecode -t 11


[[email protected] ~]# dmidecode -t processor

dmidecode参数string及type列表: (1)Valid string keywords are: bios-vendor bios-version bios-release-date system-manufacturer system-product-name system-version system-serial-number system-uuid baseboard-manufacturer baseboard-product-name baseboard-version baseboard-serial-number baseboard-asset-tag chassis-manufacturer chassis-type chassis-version chassis-serial-number chassis-asset-tag processor-family processor-manufacturer processor-version processor-frequency (2)Valid type keywords are: bios system baseboard chassis processor memory Cache connector slot (3)type全部编码列表: BIOS System Base Board Chassis Processor Memory Controller Memory Module Cache Port Connector System Slots On Board Devices OEM Strings System Configuration Options BIOS Language Group Associations System Event Log Physical Memory Array Memory Device 32-bit Memory Error Memory Array Mapped Address Memory Device Mapped Address Built-in Pointing Device Portable Battery System Reset Hardware Security System Power Controls Voltage Probe Cooling Device Temperature Probe Electrical Current Probe Out-of-band Remote Access Boot Integrity Services System Boot 64-bit Memory Error Management Device Management Device Component Management Device Threshold Data Memory Channel IPMI Device Power Supply Additional Information Onboard Device


dmidecode参数string及type列表: (1)Valid string keywords are: bios-vendor bios-version bios-release-date system-manufacturer system-product-name system-version system-serial-number system-uuid baseboard-manufacturer baseboard-product-name baseboard-version baseboard-serial-number baseboard-asset-tag chassis-manufacturer chassis-type chassis-version chassis-serial-number chassis-asset-tag processor-family processor-manufacturer processor-version processor-frequency (2)Valid type keywords are: bios system baseboard chassis processor memory Cache connector slot (3)type全部编码列表: BIOS System Base Board Chassis Processor Memory Controller Memory Module Cache Port Connector System Slots On Board Devices OEM Strings System Configuration Options BIOS Language Group Associations System Event Log Physical Memory Array Memory Device 32-bit Memory Error Memory Array Mapped Address Memory Device Mapped Address Built-in Pointing Device Portable Battery System Reset Hardware Security System Power Controls Voltage Probe Cooling Device Temperature Probe Electrical Current Probe Out-of-band Remote Access Boot Integrity Services System Boot 64-bit Memory Error Management Device Management Device Component Management Device Threshold Data Memory Channel IPMI Device Power Supply Additional Information Onboard Device


时间: 2024-07-28 19:56:27

linux 查看内存信息,及其他硬件信息 dmidecode命令的相关文章


前言 相信大家更换自己笔记本电脑的内存时一定是得心应手,即便是一名新手也可以很轻松的动手实现,其实服务器的内存更换也很简单,关机->挪盖->按指定顺序插拔.不过这里有一个很重要的共性前提,需要清楚了解当前硬件所匹配的内存大小型号和插槽数量等依赖关系,这样我们在更换内存时才会更加游刃有余哈. 更换内存前会用到的实用小技巧 更新历史 2015年06月05日 - 初稿 阅读原文 - 扩展阅读 MacBook Pro

linux 查看内存的插槽数

[[email protected] ~]# dmidecode|grep -P -A5 "Memory\s+Device"| grep Size | grep -v Range #linux查看内存的插槽数以及每条内存有多大 Size: 1024 MB Size: No Module InstalledYou have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root[[email protected] ~]# dmidecode | grep -P 'Maximum

Android 中查看内存的使用情况集常用adb命令

1. 在IDE中查看Log信息 当程序运行垃圾回收的时候,会打印一条Log信息,其格式如下: D/dalvikvm: <GC_Reason> <Amount_freed>, <Heap_stats>, <External_memory_stats>, <Pause_time> GC_Reason表示导致垃圾回收的原因以及当前的回收类型,包括以下几类: GC_CONCURRENT:当堆中对象数量达到一定是触发的垃圾收集 GC_FOR_MALLOC:


说明:Linux下可以在/proc/cpuinfo中看到每个cpu的详细信息.但是对于双核的cpu,在cpuinfo中会看到两个cpu.常常会让人误以为是两个单核的cpu. 原文地址: 一.linux CPU大小 [root@idc ~]# cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep "model name" && cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep "physical id&quo

嵌入式 linux 查看内存

在Windows系统中查看内存的使用情况很简单,想必大家都已经耳熟能详了,那么在linux系统如何查看内存使用情况呢?下面和大家分享在Linux下查看内存使用情况的free命令: [[email protected] tmp]# free total used free shared buffers cached Mem: 3266180 3250004 16176 0 110652 2668236 -/+ buffers/cache: 471116 2795064 Swap: 2048276


$cat /proc/meminfoMemTotal:        2052440 kB //总内存MemFree:           50004 kB //空闲内存Buffers:           19976 kB //给文件的缓冲大小Cached:           436412 kB //高速缓冲存储器(使用的大小SwapCached:        19864 kB //被高速缓冲存储用的交换空间大小


使用的命令为: free -m m为以MB为单位查看内存.当然你愿意的话,可以用K. 如: 在第一部分Mem行中有如下参数. total:内存总数,即3881MB used:已经使用的内存数,即3745MB free:空闲的内存数,即135MB shared:当前已经废弃不用,总是0 buffers Buffer:缓存内存数,即216MB cached Page:缓存内存数,即435MB 其中,内存总数与已使用内存数和空闲内存数的关系是: total(3881M)=used(3745M)+fre


时隔两年,我又踏上了计算机这条道路.原来的坎坷和难过我都铭记在心,但是这次的归来,必须要学习到一些实用的知识,充实自己. 两年的当兵生涯,锻炼了我坚强的意志力和那种为了目标坚持不懈的作风. 当然,装够了,还是要回到现实中来.. 先从简单的学起: 现在本人的工作是在从事运维方面的,多用到的就是Linux命令,当然让我头疼的不是使用它,而是合理的使用,和让Linux系统的优点,让我的工作简单和量化,那才是极好的. 昨天遇到一个问题,就是网卡的速率问题.本身是1000Mb,可是显示为10Mb,这个问题


dmesg用来显示开机信息.kernel会将开机信息存储在ring buffer中.您若是开机时来不及查看信息,可利用dmesg来查看.开机信息亦保存在/var/log文件夹中.名称为dmesg的文件中.dmesg用于检測和控制内核环缓冲. 程序用来帮助用户了解系统的启动信息. dmesg检查网卡启动状况 參 数: -c 显示信息后.清除ring buffer中的内容. -s<缓冲区大小> 预设置为8196,刚好等于ring buffer的大小. -n 设置记录信息的层级.