

File: Matlab or WAV formats (compressed)

sampling rate: 19.98 KHz

A/D: 16 bit

pre-filter: anti-aliasing filter

pre-emphasis: none

filter: none

duration: 235 sec

length (uncompressed): approx 9 Mb (uncompressed)

白噪声:White noise

White Noise acquired by sampling high-quality analog noise generator (Wandel & Goltermann). Exhibits equal energy per Hz. bandwidth.


Volvo 340 noise acquired by recording samples from 1/2" B&K condensor microphone onto digital audio tape (DAT). This recording was made at 120 km/h, in 4th gear, on an asphalt road, in rainy conditions.

军用车辆噪音:Military vehicle noise

Leopard 2 noise acquired by recording samples from 1/2" B&K condensor microphone onto digital audio tape (DAT). The Leopard 1 vehicle was moving at a speed of 70 km/h. The sound level during the recording process was 114 dBA.

坦克内部噪声:Tank noise

M109 noise acquired by recording samples from 1/2" B&K condensor microphone onto digital audio tape (DAT). The M109 tank was moving at a speed of 30 km/h. The sound level during the recording process was 100 dBA.

餐厅内嘈杂噪声:speech babble

Voice Babble acquired by recording samples from 1/2" B&K condensor microphone onto digital audio tape (DAT). The source of this babble is 100 people speaking in a canteen. The room radius is over two meters; therefore, individual voices are slightly audible. The sound level during the recording process was 88 dBA.

高频信道噪声:HF channel noise

Recording of noise in an HF radio channel after demodulation

粉红噪声:pink noise

Pink Noise acquired by sampling high-quality analog noise generator (Wandel & Goltermann). Exhibits equal energy per 1/3 octave.

机枪噪声:Machine gun noise

Machine Gun noise acquired by recording samples from 1/2" B&K condensor microphone onto digital audio tape (DAT). The weapon used was a .50 calibre gun fired repeatedly.

工厂车间噪音1:Factory floor noise 1

Factory noise acquired by recording samples from 1/2" B&K condensor microphone onto digital audio tape (DAT). This noise was recorded near plate-cutting and electrical welding equipment. (板切割及电器设备焊接)

工厂车间噪音2:Factory floor noise 2

Factory noise acquired by recording samples from 1/2" B&K condensor microphone onto digital audio tape (DAT). This noise was recorded in a car production hall. (汽车生产车间)

F16座舱噪声:F-16 cockpit noise

F-16 noise acquired by recording samples from 1/2" B&K condensor microphone onto digital audio tape (DAT). The noise was recorded at the co-pilot‘s seat in a two-seat F-16, traveling at a speed of 500 knots, and an altitude of 300-600 feet. The sound level during the recording process was 103 dBA.It was found that the flight condition had only a minor effect on the noise. The reproduced noise can therefore be considered to be representative.

驱逐舰机舱噪声:Destroyer engine room noise

Destroyer: Engine Room noise acquired by recording samples from microphone onto digital audio tape (DAT). The sound level during the recording process was 101 dBA.

驱逐舰作战室背景噪音:Destroyer operations room background noise

Destroyer: Operations Room noise acquired by recording samples from microphone onto digital audio tape (DAT). The sound level during the recording process was 70 dBA.

Buccaneer驾驶舱噪声1: cockpit noise;Buccaneer jet traveling at 190 knots;

Buccaneer noise acquired by recording samples from 1/2" B&K condensor microphone onto digital audio tape (DAT). The Buccaneer jet was moving at a speed of 190 knots, and an altitude of 1000 feet, with airbrakes out. The sound level during the recording process was 109 dBA.

Buccaneer驾驶舱噪声2: cockpit noise;Buccaneer jet traveling at 450 knots;

Buccaneer noise acquired by recording samples from 1/2" B&K condensor microphone onto digital audio tape (DAT). The Buccaneer was moving at a speed of 450 knots, and an altitude of 300 feet. The sound level during the recording process was 116 dBA.

时间: 2024-07-30 00:25:45



2010-12-03 09:56 噪声库(noiseX-92) 1. Noise92 噪声库 http://spib.rice.edu/spib/select_noise.html 来自 Signal Processing Information Base (SPIB) Noise data White noise Pink noise HF channel noise Speech babble Factory floor noise 1 Factory floor noise 2 Jet c


1. 怎么导入PlausibleDatabase.framework框架 先下载PlausibleDatabase.framework框架包,然后把该包直接加入到库中,然后再加入#import <PlausibleDatabase/PlausibleDatabase.h>头文件 下载地址:http://code.google.com/p/pldatabase/ 在这里可以下载和查看文档和代码. 第三方SQLITE封装库Pldatabase 基本使用指南 创建一个链接 为存在数据库文件打开一个链

Hibernate jar库的简单介绍

1.antlr   --ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition)语法分析器,它提供一个包括 java,c#和C++在内的语法描述框架 Hibernate利用它实现HQL?到SQL的转换 错误情况: 项目中没有添加antlr-*.jar,hibernate不会执行hql语句    并且会报NoClassDefFoundError: antlr/ANTLRException错误 2.cglib  Hibernate用它来实现PO(project ob


前言 去年图像处理的DLL,有学弟问我做的思路,便放到博客里 github地址,欢迎star 图像增强处理:设计一套空间域与频率域结合的图像增强算法,处理以下任一组图片中的带噪声图像,去除噪声,提高图像质量. (1)已知:噪声为随机噪声和周期噪声混合噪声: (2)要求: a)去噪处理后,计算均方误差评估去噪处理后图像的去噪效果 b)撰写完整的科技报告(形式类似科技论文)表述自己的算法设计,算法实现与算法评估过程. 对 swanNoise 图像去噪 空域去噪 根据老师讲解,swanNoise.bm

7.19 wordcloud库的基本介绍

目录 7.19 wordcloud库的基本介绍 wordcloud概述 基本使用 常规方法 配置对象参数 mask参数详解 7.19 wordcloud库的基本介绍 wordcloud概述 词云以词语为基本单位,更加直观和艺术的展示文本 基本使用 wordcloud库把词云当作一个WordCloud对象 wordcloud.WordCloud()代表一个文本对应的词云 可以根据文本中词语出现的频率等参数绘制词云 绘制词云的形状.尺寸和颜色都可以设定 常规方法 以WordCloud对象为基础 配置


今天简单的介绍下动态的制作,主要介绍windows平台下借助vs进行动态库制作和使用,以及linux下动态库的制作和使用,闲话少说下面开始吧 在windows环境下进行制作 1.首先打开vs2013,新建一个win32控制台项目 第二步,新建选择动态库(dll)选项,生成空项目 第三步:将提供的源码文件添加到项目中,其中keymng_msg.h和keymng_msg.c是最外层封装的文件,底层实现是另外两个文件,所以只需要给用户提供动态库和keymng_msg.h就可以调用. 第四步:在需要导出

Python标准库:1. 介绍

标准库包含了几种不同类型的库. 首先是那些核心语言的数据类型库,比如数字和列表相关的库.在核心语言手册里只是描述数字和列表的编写方式,以及它的排列,而没有定义它的语义.换一句话说,核心语言手册只是定义语法和优先级之类,并没有定义对这些类型的功能上的操作. 其次标准库包含了一些内置函数和异常处理对象,在使用这些对象时,并不需要明确使用import语句进行导入.其中有一些是核心语言需要的,但很多不是核心语言需要的,也在这里描述. 最后在标准库里大量的库都是这样的一些功能模块,可以有多种方式来分类.比


在上一篇文章里我介绍了glib库中单向链表的用法,这篇文章介绍glib库双向链表的用法,还是沿用上一篇文章的风格,采用在代码中加入注释来说明代码,最后贴出程序的运行结果,然后加以少量说明. 双向链表与单向链表的区别是,从一个节点,不仅能访问到它的下一个节点,还能访问到它的上一个节点,其定义如下: struct GList{ gpointer data;   GList *next;   GList *prev;}; 在这里可以看到双向链表比单向链表多了一个指向上一个节点的指针prev.下面给出一

JS Range HTML文档/文字内容选中、库及应用介绍

一.前面的些话 本文的内容基本上是基于"区域范围对象(Range objects)"这个概念来说的.这个玩意,可以让你选择HTML文档的任意部分,并可以拿这些选择的信息做你想做的事情.其中,最常见的Range是用户用鼠标选择的内容(user selection). 本文有不少篇幅就是讲如何将用户的这种选择转换为W3C Range或Microsoft Text Range对象. 二.什么是Range? 所谓"Range",是指HTML文档中任意一段内容.一个Range