Python第三方包 requests还是urllib?







urllib/urllib2 vs requests package in Python


Python contains libraries to interact with websites or used for opening HTTP URLs.

Example:urllib/urllib2 , requests.


· Urllib is a python module used for opening HTTP URLs.

· It accomplish tasks such as basic authentication, getting cookies, serving GET/POST requests, error handling, viewing headers.

· Urllib2 is an improved Python module and provides additional functionalities to several methods.

· Hence some urllib methods have been replaced by urllib2 methods.

· In spite of having additional features, urllib cannot be completely replaced by urllib2 since the former provides important methods (e.g., urlencode(), used for generating GET query strings) that are absent in urllib2.

2.Python Requests:

· ‘Requests’ is a simple, easy-to-use HTTP library written in Python.

· Requests makes interacting with Web services seamless.

Features of Python Requests:

· Connection pooling: There is a pool of connections, and a connection is released only once all its data has been read.

· Sessions with cookie persistence: You can make a session object and set certain parameters and cookie values. This allows you to persist these parameters and cookies across all requests made from the session instance.

· Python Requests encodes the parameters automatically so you just pass them as simple arguments, unlike in the case of urllib, where you need to use the method urllib.encode() to encode the parameters before passing them.

· Python Requests automatically decodes the response into Unicode.

· Python Requests handles multi-part file uploads, as well as automatic form-encoding.

· In Python, Requests .get() is a method, auth is an optional parameter (since we may or may not require authentication).

· Python Requests supports the entire restful API, i.e., all its methods – PUT, GET, DELETE, POST.

· Unlike the urllib/urllib2 module, there is no confusion caused by Requests, as there is only a single module that can do the entire task.

· Can write easier and shorter code.

Comparison between Python Requests and urllib/urllib2:

Example 1: A simple HTTP GET request and authentication

Using urllib2: In this example, to make a simple HTTP GET request we need to call a lot of methods.

Remembering the names of these methods can be difficult:

import urllib2

url = ‘

username= ‘user’

password = ‘pass’

request = urllib2.Request(url)

password_manager = >urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()

password_manager.add_password(None, url, username, password)

auth_manager = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(password_manager)

opener = urllib2.build_opener(auth_manager)


handler = urllib2.urlopen(request)

print handler.getcode()

print handler.headers.getheader(‘content-type’)

Using Requests: The task of making a simple HTTP GET request can be accomplished in a single line when compared to the large code written using urllib2.

import requests

r = requests.get(‘‘, auth=(‘user’, ‘pass’))

print r.status_code

print r.headers[‘content-type’]

Example 2: Making a POST request

Using urllib2/urllib: Note that in this example we had to make use of both the urllib and urllib2 modules in order to write a script for a simple POST request:

import urllib

import urllib2

url = “

values = {“firstname”:” abc “, “lastname”:” xyz “}

header = {“User-Agent”:”Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5;Windows NT)”}

values = urllib.urlencode(values)

request = urllib2.Request(url, values, header)

response = urllib2.urlopen(request)

html_content =

Using Requests: Here we do not require import multiple modules and a single requests module can accomplish the entire task:

import requests

values = {“”firstname”:” abc “, “lastname”:” xyz “}

r =‘, data=values)

I hope from above examples it is clear that requests library is very much easy to use .

Thanks guys :) for reading this ,please share your comments or thoughts.

时间: 2024-08-06 03:42:35

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Requests 是用Python语言编写,基于 urllib,采用 Apache2 Licensed 开源协议的 HTTP 库.它比 urllib 更加方便,可以节约我们大量的工作,完全满足 HTTP 测试需求.Requests 的哲学是以 PEP 20 的习语为中心开发的,所以它比 urllib 更加 Pythoner.更重要的一点是它支持 Python3 哦! Beautiful is better than ugly.(美丽优于丑陋) Explicit is better than im


20190822 先说一下,有4种方法(我知道的): 1.源码安装 2.python自带包管理器安装 3.外部包管理器安装 4.whl格式安装 1.源码安装 Python第三方库几乎都可以在github或者 pypi上找到源码.源码包格式大概有zip . tar.bz2.解压这些包,进入解压好的文件夹,通常会有一个setup.py的文件.打开命令行,进入该文件夹.运行以下命令,就能把这个第三库安装到系统里: python install 或者借助pip,则不需


1.安装 1 git clone git:// 2 cd requests 3 python install 2.上点威力 (GET) 1 >>> import requests 2 >>> url = '' 3 >>> payload = {'wd':'python'} 4 >>> r = requ


要想安装第三方的包,首先安装setuptools. 然后再安装pip,这个是用来管理第三方包的.(ActivePython里面应该预装了这些.) 1. 包管理器pip,安装第三方包,以Selenium为例,运行 pip install selenium 卸载包 pip uninstall selenium 2. 查看已经安装的第三方包 新版pip:pip list 旧版pip:pip freeze 3. 升级包foo pip install -upgrade foo 列出需要升级的包 pip l


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