



主题(RACSubject): 主题是一种灵活的信号,可以被随时用来发送next事件,不用考虑是否有订阅者存在


command, represented by the RACCommand class, creates and subscribes to a signal in response to some action. This makes it easy to perform side-effecting work as the user interacts with the app.

Usually the action triggering a command is UI-driven, like when a button is clicked. Commands can also be automatically disabled based on a signal, and this disabled state can be represented in a UI by disabling any controls associated with the command.

On OS X, RAC adds a rac_command property to NSButton for setting up these behaviors automatically.


connection, represented by the RACMulticastConnection class, is a subscription that is shared between any number of subscribers.

Signals are cold by default, meaning that they start doing work each time a new subscription is added. This behavior is usually desirable, because it means that data will be freshly recalculated for each subscriber, but it can be problematic if the signal has side effects or the work is expensive (for example, sending a network request).

A connection is created through the -publish or -multicast: methods on RACSignal, and ensures that only one underlying subscription is created, no matter how many times the connection is subscribed to. Once connected, the connection‘s signal is said to be hot, and the underlying subscription will remain active until all subscriptions to the connection are disposed.


sequence, represented by the RACSequence class, is a pull-driven stream.

Sequences are a kind of collection, similar in purpose to NSArray. Unlike an array, the values in a sequence are evaluated lazily (i.e., only when they are needed) by default, potentially improving performance if only part of a sequence is used. Just like Cocoa collections, sequences cannot contain nil.

Sequences are similar to Clojure‘s sequences (lazy-seq in particular), or the List type in Haskell.

RAC adds a -rac_sequence method to most of Cocoa‘s collection classes, allowing them to be used as RACSequences instead.


The RACDisposable class is used for cancellation and resource cleanup.

Disposables are most commonly used to unsubscribe from a signal. When a subscription is disposed, the corresponding subscriber will not receive any further events from the signal. Additionally, any work associated with the subscription (background processing, network requests, etc.) will be cancelled, since the results are no longer needed.

For more information about cancellation, see the RAC Design Guidelines.


scheduler, represented by the RACScheduler class, is a serial execution queue for signals to perform work or deliver their results upon.

Schedulers are similar to Grand Central Dispatch queues, but schedulers support cancellation (via disposables), and always execute serially. With the exception of the +immediateScheduler, schedulers do not offer synchronous execution. This helps avoid deadlocks, and encourages the use of signal operators instead of blocking work.

RACScheduler is also somewhat similar to NSOperationQueue, but schedulers do not allow tasks to be reordered or depend on one another.

Value types

RAC offers a few miscellaneous classes for conveniently representing values in a stream:

  • RACTuple is a small, constant-sized collection that can contain nil (represented by RACTupleNil). It is generally used to represent the combined values of multiple streams.
  • RACUnit is a singleton "empty" value. It is used as a value in a stream for those times when more meaningful data doesn‘t exist.
  • RACEvent represents any signal event as a single value. It is primarily used by the -materialize method ofRACSignal.
时间: 2024-10-27 18:27:04



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这篇博客将会继续翻译RAC的官方文档Framework Overview. 主要是对RAC这和框架进行概览的介绍和学习.同时也可以参考我前面的两篇翻译<响应式编程框架ReactiveCocoa学习--基本操作符><响应式编程框架ReactiveCocoa介绍与入门>.其中ReactiveCocoa的Github官方地址为 https://github.com/ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoa . 这篇文档包括了RAC中的对不同组件的高层描述,并解释如何进行结合

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