Hazing modeling
其中,I代表已经有的图像(待去雾的图像),J代表恢复的无雾图像,A是全球大气光成分,t为透射率, p为像素在图片的位置。现在的已知条件就是I,要求目标J,显然,这是个有无数解的方程。因此还需要求出其它未知量,我们顺着论文往下看。
t(p)∈[0,1] 为反射光的传输率,由景物点与相机的距离决定t(p)=e?pd(p) 。静态图片去雾算法框架如下:
Fig.1 Block diagram of the proposed static image dehazing algorithm.
Static image dehazing
Atmospheric light estimation
- 我们将图片分为四个矩形区域。
- 我们将每个区域的平均像素值减去该区域的标准差,得到该区域的得分score。
- 将score最高的区域划分为四个小区域。
- 重复2~3步骤,直到最高score区域的size小于预先设定的阈值。
- 取该区域的最亮点。
Fig. 2. Atmospheric light estimation. By recursively dividing an image into four smaller regions and selecting the region with the highest score, we determine the region that is hazed most densely and then choose the atmospheric light within the region. In this example, the red block is the selected region. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Optimal transmission estimation
- Mean squared error (MSE) contrast
- Michelson contrast
- Weber contrast
Fig. 3. 比较三个对比定义在去雾的效果。(a)输入图像.去雾图像和与其对应的转换映射表 (b) the MSE contrast, (c) the Michelson contrast, (d) the Weber contrast. 在转换映射表中,黄色和红色像素分别表示近、远景点。(For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
我们注意到fig.3的三个去雾结果非常接近。所以在后续的去雾工作中,采用MSE contrast。当然其它两个和MSE contrast一样有效。
上式可知,t越小,还原图片的对比度越高,反之越低。Fig.4 表明如果输入像素值在[α,β]范围可以映射到[0, 255]的输出。红色部分为阶段区域,t越小[α,β]范围越小。在图像中,对于有雾的部分减少t获取较高的对比度,对无雾的部分增加t减少图像信息损失。Fig.5 显示了不同的t值对还原图像的效果。
Fig. 4. An example of the transformation function. Input pixel values are mapped to output pixel values according to the transformation function, depicted by the black line. The red regions represent the information loss due to the truncation of output pixel values. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 5. Relationship between the transmission value and the information loss. A smaller transmission value causes more severe truncation of pixel values and a larger amount of information loss. (a) An input hazy image. The restored dehazed images with transmission values of (b) t=0.1, (c) t=0.3, (d)t=0.5, and (e) t=0.7.
Transmission refinement
之前我们针对整幅图提出了透射率t,考虑到图像每个点的景深不一同,我们提取了基于图像块的透射率,来获取更多图像细节。将t进行导向滤波求出t^,设t^于I如上式。尺度s和偏移量ψ由当前大小为41 x 41的窗口决定。
Fig. 6. Illustration of the shiftable window scheme: (a) centered window and (b) shiftable window
After obtaining the pixel-based transmission map, we dehaze the input image based on (1). However, as suggested in [11], we constrain the minimum transmission value to be greater than 0.1, since a smaller value tends to amplify noise. Furthermore, the restored hazy image often has darker pixel values than the input image. Thus, we apply the gamma correction [1] to the restored image with an empirically selected gamma of 0.8.
Fig. 7. Transmission map refinement: (a) Input hazy images, (b) the block-based transmission maps, and the pixel-based transmission maps using (c) the centered window scheme and (d) the shiftable window scheme. In the transmission maps, yellow and red colors represent near and far scene points, respectively. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Video dehazing
Temporal coherence
Fast transmission refinement
we use a Gaussian window pixels around the window center have higher weights, whereas pixels farther from the center have lower weights. Then, we obtain the final optimal transmission value for each pixel, by computing the Gaussian weighted sum of the transmission values associated with the overlapping windows.