
Eat the Trees

Time Limit: 4000/2000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 2303    Accepted Submission(s): 1124

Problem Description

Most of us know that in the game called DotA(Defense of the Ancient), Pudge is a strong hero in the first period of the game. When the game goes to end however, Pudge is not a strong hero any more.
So Pudge’s teammates give him a new assignment—Eat the Trees!

The trees are in a rectangle N * M cells in size and each of the cells either has exactly one tree or has nothing at all. And what Pudge needs to do is to eat all trees that are in the cells.
There are several rules Pudge must follow:
I. Pudge must eat the trees by choosing a circuit and he then will eat all trees that are in the chosen circuit.
II. The cell that does not contain a tree is unreachable, e.g. each of the cells that is through the circuit which Pudge chooses must contain a tree and when the circuit is chosen, the trees which are in the cells on the circuit will disappear.
III. Pudge may choose one or more circuits to eat the trees.

Now Pudge has a question, how many ways are there to eat the trees?
At the picture below three samples are given for N = 6 and M = 3(gray square means no trees in the cell, and the bold black line means the chosen circuit(s))


The input consists of several test cases. The first line of the input is the number of the cases. There are no more than 10 cases.
For each case, the first line contains the integer numbers N and M, 1<=N, M<=11. Each of the next N lines contains M numbers (either 0 or 1) separated by a space. Number 0 means a cell which has no trees and number 1 means a cell that has exactly one tree.


For each case, you should print the desired number of ways in one line. It is guaranteed, that it does not exceed 263 – 1. Use the format in the sample.

Sample Input

6 3
1 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1
2 4
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1

Sample Output

Case 1: There are 3 ways to eat the trees.
Case 2: There are 2 ways to eat the trees.



using namespace std;
int t,n,m,dp[18][18][1<<13];
int Map[105][105];
int main()
        scanf("%d %d",&n,&m);
        for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
            for(int j=1;j<=m;j++)
        for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
            for(int k=0;k<(1<<m);k++)
            for(int j=1;j<=m;j++)
                for(int sta=0;sta<(1<<(m+1));sta++)
                    int y=1<<j;
                    int x=1<<(j-1);
                        }else dp[i][j][sta]=0;

时间: 2024-08-20 11:42:21



题意:在n*m的矩阵中,有些格子有树,没有树的格子不能到达,找一条或多条回路,吃全然部的树,求有多少中方法. 这题是插头dp,刚刚学习,不是非常熟悉,研究了好几天才明确插头dp的方法,他们老是讲一些什么轮廓线啊,插头啊什么的,刚開始全然不知道这些事干什么的,看完cdq的大作后也是一头的雾水,看代码,绘图,一步一步的推,最终明确了,那个是为什么,这里讲一讲. 轮廓线表示的是当前插头的状态,这题中状态中1表示有插头,0表示无插头,假设是横线的话就是上面的格子与以下的格子相连的状态,这题中显然一个格子

hdu1693 插头dp

题意:给了一个矩阵图,要求使用回路把图中的树全部吃掉的方案树,没有树的点不能走,吃完了这个点也就没有了,走到哪吃到哪 用插头dp搞 #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <cstdio> #include <vector> #include <string.h> using namespace std; typedef long long LL; int G[11][11]; int

[入门向选讲] 插头DP:从零概念到入门 (例题:HDU1693 COGS1283 BZOJ2310 BZOJ2331)

转载请注明原文地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/LadyLex/p/7326874.html 最近搞了一下插头DP的基础知识……这真的是一种很锻炼人的题型…… 每一道题的状态都不一样,并且有不少的分类讨论,让插头DP十分锻炼思维的全面性和严谨性. 下面我们一起来学习插头DP的内容吧! 插头DP主要用来处理一系列基于连通性状态压缩的动态规划问题,处理的具体问题有很多种,并且一般数据规模较小. 由于棋盘有很特殊的结构,使得它可以与“连通性”有很强的联系,因此插头DP最常见的应用要数

【HDU1693】Eat the Trees(插头dp)

[HDU1693]Eat the Trees(插头dp) 题面 HDU Vjudge 大概就是网格图上有些点不能走,现在要找到若干条不相交的哈密顿回路使得所有格子都恰好被走过一遍. 题解 这题的弱化版本吧... 因为可以任意分配哈密顿回路的数量,因此根本不需要再考虑插头的配对问题了,那么直接分情况转移就好啦. #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstdlib> #include<cstring> #in

hdu1693:eat trees(插头dp)

题目大意: 题目背景竟然是dota!屠夫打到大后期就没用了,,只能去吃树! 给一个n*m的地图,有些格子是不可到达的,要把所有可到达的格子的树都吃完,并且要走回路,求方案数 题解: 这题大概是最简单的插头dp了.. 比陈丹琦论文里的例题还要简单,因为允许有多个回路,所以不需要存储插头之间的连通性,直接二进制状压 搞清楚插头和轮廓线的概念基本就可以做出来了 这里有一些资料http://www.docin.com/p-741918386.html 代码: #include <iostream> #


开学那个月学了点新东西,不知道还记不记得了,mark一下 感觉cdq的论文讲的很详细 题主要跟着kuangbin巨做了几道基础的 http://www.cnblogs.com/kuangbin/archive/2012/10/02/2710343.html 还有几道没做,留着坑 感觉广义括号表示法虽然神奇,但一般最小表示法就够用了吧,感觉最小表示法更直观一点 hdu1693 1 #include<cstdio> 2 #include<iostream> 3 #include<


对于网格中的dp可以用轮廓线,如果有一些格子不能走就可以用插头dp了. bzoj2331 地板 题目大意:用L型铺地n*m,有一些格子不能铺,求方案数. 思路:fi[i][j][s]表示铺到(i,j),轮廓线状态s,0表示没有插头,1表示插头没拐弯,2表示插头拐弯了,手动枚举转移. 注意:(1)按四进制好写: (2)因为实际状态和四进制的差很多,所以用hash表来存储,防止mle和tle,同时使用滚动数组. #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #


队内没人会插头DP,感觉这个不会不行...所以我还是默默去学了一下, 学了一天,感觉会了一点.对于每一行,一共有j+1个插头,如果是多回路类的题目, 比较简单,可以用1表示有插头,0表示没有插头,这样就可以愉快转移了, 对于当前出来的位置(i,j),与它有关的插头有j-1和j 那么我们可以枚举状态经行转移. 对于单回路的问题....只是了解思想,目前还不会写,太笨了=_= poj 2411 Mondriaan's Dream 题意:用1*2小方块组成n*m矩阵有多少种组成方式 思路:我们从上到下

BZOJ 2595 游览计划(插头DP)

题目链接: 题意:给出一个数字矩阵.求一个连通块包含所有的数字0且连通块内所有数字之和最小. 思路:对于每个格子,是0则必须要选.那么对于不选的格子(i,j)在什么时候可以不选呢?必须同时满足以下两个条件: (1)(i,j)不是0: (2)(i-1,j)不选或者(i-1,j)选了但是轮廓线上还有别的地方与(i-1,j)是一个连通块. int Pre[105][N],op[105][N]; s