android adapter报错The content of the adapter has changed but ListView did not receive a notification.


The content of the adapter has changed but ListView did not receive a notification. Make sure the content of your adapter is not modified from a background thread, but only from the UI thread。


1、检查Thread,确定没有在Background thread中直接调用adapter,如果有,请移除相关代码到Handler中处理;



4、这个错误经常出现在Activity休眠起来之后,主要还是使用adapter不太小心造成的。如果实在找不到原因,在onPause()函数中停止所有的background thread,并且在onResume()函数最前面清空adapter中的数据,并且adapter.notifyDataSetChanged()。然后重新更新加载数据,这样一般可以解决问题。


很多新手在Android开发时可能对Thread和Message以及Handler、Looper概念不是很清楚,可能产生类似 The content of the adapter has changed but ListView did not receive a notification make sure the content of your adapter is not modified from a background thread . but only from the UI thread.的错误。在这里给出以下几点可以帮助你了解该问题:




  mItemCount = mAdapter == null ? 0 : mAdapter.getCount();

  ..... //中间是其他代码就不拷贝了

  else if (mItemCount != mAdapter.getCount()) {//这里可以看出为什么会抛出adapter has changed,是因为你可能还有线程在跑,更新了mAdapter.getCount();的返回值

  throw new IllegalStateException("The content of the adapter has changed but "

  + "ListView did not receive a notification. Make sure the content of "

  + "your adapter is not modified from a background thread, but only "

  + "from the UI thread. [in ListView(" + getId() + ", " + getClass()

  + ") with Adapter(" + mAdapter.getClass() + ")]");


  ps:知其然,知其所以然。刚开始我发现写不写notifyDataSetChanged()都能实现效果,于是我就把它注释了,直到出了问题,我看了以上内容,我就明白为什么会有adapter has changed的提示,也明白了notifyDataSetChanged()的含义。

  我的理解是:增加了内容长度改变了 但是没有通知更新 当选中增加的那个内容时 就造成了 数组越界(或者别的问题)


时间: 2024-08-25 18:30:16

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