Scala 函数式程序设计原理(1)


1.1 Programming Paradigms

  • In a restricted sense, a functional programming language is one which does not have mutable variables, or imperative control structures.
  • In a wider sense, a functional programming language enables the construction of elegant programs that focus on functions.
  • In particular, functions in a FP language are first-class citizens. This meas
    • they can be defined anywhere, including inside other functions
    • like any other value, they can be passed as parameters to functions and returned as results
    • as for other values, there exists a set of operators to compose functions

1.2 Elements of Programming

Evaluation of Function Applications:

  1. Evaluate all function arguments, from left to right
  2. Replace the function application by the function‘s right-hand side, and, at the same time
  3. Replace the formal parameters of the function by the actual arguments


sumOfSquares(3, 2+2)          sumOfSquares(3, 2+2)

sumOfSquares(3, 4)            square(3) + square(2+2)

square(3) + sqaure(4)           3 * 3 + (2+2) * (2+2)

3 * 3 + sqaure(4)              9 + (2+2) * (2+2)

9 + sqaure(4)                9 + 4 * (2+2)

9 + 4 * 4                 9 + 4 * 4

9 + 16                   9 + 16

25                      25

call-by-value               call-by-name

1.3 Evaluation Strategies and Termination

def first(x: Int, y: Int) = x
first(1, loop)

CBN: 1

CBV: first(1, loop) => first(1, loop) => ...

in scala, using CBV: more efficiency && less side effect

=> pass call by name

1.4 Conditions and Value Definations

def: call by name

val: call by value

def loop: Boolean = {
    if(loop) loop else false
}def a = loop  //loopval b = loop  //no result, because in val, it will calculate value of function loop first

1.6 Blocks and Lexical Scope

block is delimited by braces { ... }, it contains a sequence of definitions or expressions

1.7 Tail Recursion

In general, if the last action of a function consists of calling a function (which may be the same), one stack frame would be sufficient for both functions. Such calls are called tail-calls.

时间: 2024-12-29 12:16:46

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编码原则: 一般原则 预处理原则 命名和布局原则 类原则 函数和表达式原则 硬实时原则 关键系统原则 (硬实时原则.关键系统原则仅用于硬实时和关键系统程序设计) (严格原则都用一个大写字母R及其编号标识,而推荐原则都用小写字母r及其编号标识,对于前者程序员必须严格遵守,而后者则偶尔可以不遵守) 1.一般原则 R100:任何函数和类的代码规模都不应超过200行(不包括注释). 原因:长的函数和类会更复杂,因而难以理解和测试. r101:任何函数和类都应该能完全显示在一屏上,并完成单一的逻辑功能.