ACM学习历程—HDU4720 Naive and Silly Muggles(计算几何)


Three wizards are doing a experiment. To avoid from bothering, a special magic is set around them. The magic forms a circle, which covers those three wizards, in other words, all of them are inside or on the border of the circle. And due to save the magic power, circle‘s area should as smaller as it could be.
Naive and silly "muggles"(who have no talents in magic)
should absolutely not get into the circle, nor even on its border, or
they will be in danger.

Given the position of a muggle, is he safe, or in serious danger?


The first line has a number T (T <= 10) , indicating the number of test cases.

For each test case there are four lines. Three lines come each with two integers x i and y i (|x i, y i| <= 10), indicating the three wizards‘ positions. Then a single line with two numbers q x and q y (|q x, q y| <= 10), indicating the muggle‘s position.


For test case X, output "Case #X: " first, then output "Danger" or "Safe".

Sample Input


0 0

2 0

1 2

1 -0.5

0 0

2 0

1 2

1 -0.6

0 0

3 0

1 1

1 -1.5

Sample Output

Case #1: Danger

Case #2: Safe

Case #3: Safe




对于求外接圆,此处采用了暴力设圆心坐标(x, y)

所以(x-x1)^2 + (y-y1)^2 = (x-x2)^2 + (y-y2)^2 = (x-x3)^2 + (y-y3)^2


2*((x1-x2)*(y1-y3) - (x1-x3)*(y1-y2)) * x

= (y1-y2)*(y2-y3)*(y1-y3) + (x1*x1-x2*x2)*(y1-y3) - (x1*x1-x3*x3)*(y1-y2);

2*((y1-y2)*(x1-x3) - (y1-y3)*(x1-x2)) * y

= (x1-x2)*(x2-x3)*(x1-x3) + (y1*y1-y2*y2)*(x1-x3) - (y1*y1-y3*y3)*(x1-x2);



#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#define LL long long

using namespace std;

double x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3, x0, y0;
double rx, ry, r2;
int  n,i;

void Cal()
    double A, B;
    A = 2*((x1-x2)*(y1-y3) - (x1-x3)*(y1-y2));
    B = (y1-y2)*(y2-y3)*(y1-y3) + (x1*x1-x2*x2)*(y1-y3) - (x1*x1-x3*x3)*(y1-y2);
    rx = B/A;

    A = 2*((y1-y2)*(x1-x3) - (y1-y3)*(x1-x2));
    B = (x1-x2)*(x2-x3)*(x1-x3) + (y1*y1-y2*y2)*(x1-x3) - (y1*y1-y3*y3)*(x1-x2);
    ry = B/A;
    r2 = (rx-x1)*(rx-x1) + (ry-y1)*(ry-y1);

void Work()
    int cnt = 3;
    double tmp;
    r2 = ((x2-x1)*(x2-x1) + (y2-y1)*(y2-y1))/4;
    rx = (x1+x2)/2;
    ry = (y1+y2)/2;
    tmp = ((x2-x3)*(x2-x3) + (y2-y3)*(y2-y3))/4;
    if (tmp > r2)
        cnt = 1;
        r2 = tmp;
        rx = (x3+x2)/2;
        ry = (y3+y2)/2;
    tmp = ((x1-x3)*(x1-x3) + (y1-y3)*(y1-y3))/4;
    if (tmp > r2)
        cnt = 2;
        r2 = tmp;
        rx = (x1+x3)/2;
        ry = (y1+y3)/2;
    switch (cnt)
        case 1:
            tmp = (rx-x1)*(rx-x1) + (ry-y1)*(ry-y1);
        case 2:
            tmp = (rx-x2)*(rx-x2) + (ry-y2)*(ry-y2);
        case 3:
            tmp = (rx-x3)*(rx-x3) + (ry-y3)*(ry-y3);
    if (tmp > r2)

void Output()
    if (r2 >= (rx-x0)*(rx-x0) + (ry-y0)*(ry-y0))

int main()
    //freopen("", "r", stdin);
    int T;
    scanf("%d", &T);
    for(int times = 1; times <= T; times++)
        scanf("%lf%lf", &x1, &y1);
        scanf("%lf%lf", &x2, &y2);
        scanf("%lf%lf", &x3, &y3);
        scanf("%lf%lf", &x0, &y0);
        printf("Case #%d: ", times);
时间: 2024-12-17 03:41:28

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