the big bang _AMY

About the big bang ,now,I find AMY is the woman i love most in this series.

when she said “It is so cute when she tries.”, I saw the very very beautiful appreciation and proud as a bestie around her,,just like a halo.

this sentence made me think.

Sheldon is so mean and selfish(maybe there needs quotation marks, but i really think so),but why no one dislikes him。

Persons even like him! I can not understand very much.

Now I know why,because he care about the feelings of the other side. He tries to coexist peacefully with others, even no one understand where his point is.

However clumsy she is,however unreasonable he is,however unruly she is, however arrogant he is,,,,we are willing to like them, because they are trying,,trying to make other comforable in theirway,trying to come from a kind place, even they don‘t know why they should try actually.

时间: 2024-12-31 03:46:35

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