
How does your reading proceed? Clearly you try to comprehend, in the sense of identifying meanings for individual wordsand working out relationships between them, drawing on your explicit knowledgeof English grammar (41) [C] If you are unfamiliar with words or idioms, you guessat their meaning, using clues presented in the contest. On the assumption thatthey will become relevant later, you make a mental note of discourse entitiesas well as possible links between them.you begin to infer a context for the text, forinstance, by making decisions about what kind of speech event is involved: whois making the utterance, to whom, when and where.

The ways of reading indicated here are without doubtkinds of  comprehension. But they showcomprehension to consist not just passive assimilation but of active engagementinference and problem-solving. You infer information you feel the writer hasinvited you to grasp by presenting you with specific evidence and cues (42)[E]You make further inferences, forinstance, about how the test may be significant to you, or about itsvalidity—inferences that form the basis of a personal response for which theauthor will inevitably be far less responsible.

Conceived in this way, comprehension will not followexactly the same track for each reader. What is in question is not theretrieval of an absolute, fixed or “true” meaning that can be read off andclocked for accuracy, or some timeless relation of the text to the world. (43)[G]Rather, we ascribe meanings to test on the basis ofinteraction between what we might call textual and contextual material: betweenkinds of organization or patterning we perceive in a text’s formal structures(so especially its language structures) and various kinds of background, socialknowledge, belief and attitude that we bring to the text.

Such background material inevitably reflects who we are,(44) [B] Factors such as the place and period in which we arereading, our gender ethnicity, age and social class will encourage us towards certaininterpretation but at the same time obscure or even close off others.This doesn’t, however, make interpretation merely relative or evenpointless. Precisely because readers from different historical periods, placesand social experiences produce different but overlapping readings of the samewords on the page-including for texts that engage with fundamental humanconcerns-debates about texts can play an important role in social discussion ofbeliefs and values.

Howwe read a given text also depends to some extent on our particular interest inreading it. (45)[A] Are we studying that text and trying to respond in away that fulfils the requirement of a given course? Reading it simply forpleasure? Skimming it for information? Ways of reading on a train or in bed arelikely to differ considerably from reading in a seminar room.such dimensions of read suggest-as others introducedlater in the book will also do-that we bring an implicit (often unacknowledged)agenda to any act of reading. It doesn’t then necessarily follow that one kindof reading is fuller, more advanced or more worthwhile than another. Ideally,different kinds of reading inform each other, and act as useful referencepoints for and counterbalances to one another. Together, they make up the readingcomponent of your overall literacy or relationship to your surrounding textualenvironment.

[A] Are we studying that text and trying to respond in away that fulfils the requirement of a given course? Reading it simply forpleasure? Skimming it for information? Ways of reading on a train or in bed arelikely to differ considerably from reading in a seminar room.

[B] Factors such as the place and period in which we arereading, our gender ethnicity, age and social class will encourage us towards certaininterpretation but at the same time obscure or even close off others.

[C] If you are unfamiliar with words or idioms, you guessat their meaning, using clues presented in the contest. On the assumption thatthey will become relevant later, you make a mental note of discourse entitiesas well as possible links between them.

[D]In effect, you try to reconstruct the likely meaningsor effects that any given sentence, image or reference might have had: Thesemight be the ones the author intended.

[E]You make further inferences, forinstance, about how the test may be significant to you, or about itsvalidity—inferences that form the basis of a personal response for which theauthor will inevitably be far less responsible.

[F]In plays,novels and narrative poems, characters speak as constructs created by theauthor, not necessarily as mouthpieces for the author’s own thoughts.

[G]Rather, we ascribe meanings to test on the basis ofinteraction between what we might call textual and contextual material: betweenkinds of organization or patterning we perceive in a text’s formal structures(so especially its language structures) and various kinds of background, socialknowledge, belief and attitude that we bring to the text.

时间: 2024-10-18 22:43:48


TFS 2015新功能之一,当前迭代查询标记

TFS 2015发布在即,有幸作为MVP提前获得了TFS的RTM版本,下面就TFS 2015的新功能做一些介绍:   TFS 2015新功能之一,当前迭代查询标记 在TFS的查询中,可以将"迭代路径"做为筛选条件获得需要的工作项.但是在实际使用过程中,经常需要将当前迭代作为筛选条件,例如需要获取当前迭代为完成的任务:而当前迭代是经常变化的,进入到下一个月后,当前迭代就变了,如果工作项查询条件不支持自动变化,则查询出来的结果还是上一个迭代的工作项,不得不手动去修改查询条件,设置为当前的迭


在规划2015之前先简单总结一下2014年的重要的成与败.失与得. 静静地回忆2014的点点滴滴,有无聊时的苦闷,有彻底放开的癫狂,有豁然开朗的喜悦也有离别时的依依不舍,各种情感交汇在一起,现在只能一笑置之了,过去的都已经过去了,无论我再怎么感叹白驹过隙.时光如斯,时光还是一如既往的飞速向前.2014年对我来说是很重要的一年,在14年初的时候我曾写到“毕业第一年,自己大多数时间都处在浑浑噩噩之中,不知做什么,不知如何去做,玩的时候抱有强烈的负罪感,但学习的时候也无甚精神,时间便也如白驹过隙,一去


该和过去说拜拜,和那个人说拜拜,和那个校园说拜拜,和那些同学,死党说拜拜. 无论我们四散天涯到何处,那些将来可能联系的,不联系的与我擦肩相过的人儿啊,都祝福你们 2015,有个放开心胸的开始,好好审视未来的方向! 时间很快,转眼毕业半年,成为一个社会人,的确和学生时期不一样了..要从一个成人的角度思考了,做事了..没人会再让着你了.. 大家都是平等的成人. 幸运滴,我现在有一份稳定的工作,挣得不多,但可以糊口的工作.住在亲戚家里,倒也还和谐.省去不少麻烦,家里人也安心. 与交往三年的男友分手了半


新的一年已经悄无声息的过去了1/4,现在来计划这一年似乎显得晚了一些: 坚持长跑短跑,调整作息 "身体是革命的本钱",2015年无论身体还是精神上对我来说都是不小的考验.还好我这人天生有一套自己的'理论',最懂得说服自己,所以至于压力是压不跨我的.可自从去年大病一场之后,我对自己的身体状况丝毫没有自信. "运动使人快乐",跑步习惯我已经坚持了一年了,要不是帝都雾霾,我可能会坚持的更好.不管怎样,这一年不光要坚持以前的慢跑习惯,还得适度增加一些力量练习,同时要调整好作


         四月初的时候总结了2015年要完成的20项目标,今天是5月29日,回顾将近2个月的时间,居然一个目标都没有完成.究其原因,发现原因有以下几点:1.目标太多 2.自己又不够自律 3.每天虽然也朝着一两个目标去努力,但是不到一星期,又跑去做别的了.所以到了最后,什么也没做成,反而还浪费了宝贵的休息时间.       我认为客观条件是不可避免的,想要保证每天去做一件与工作无关的事的话,还是一件比较困难的事情.不过,重要的是我们要持之以恒地去做这件事.回忆起何总裁的演讲,令我至今印象深

Visual Studio 2015新添加宏

这个宏是类似环境变量,比如$(ProjectDir) $(SolutionDir),这样的,我需要新添加一个变量宏,但是VS的GUI上貌似找不到新的变量的设置,但是Qt的VS插件可以设置$(QTDIR) 这个变量路径,最终还是找到了临时的方法,这个QTDIR变量定义到工程文件的XML里面了,VC的C++ 工程有3个工程文件: XXX.vcxproj XXX.vcxproj.filters XXX.vcxproj.user 这些宏是在user这个工程文件里面添加的,也就是第三个,用文本编辑器打开,

MSCRM 2015 新功能(一)

主要来源:http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics/crm-customer-center/what-s-new.aspx 本文中提到的新功能主要以下几块: 一.产品结构的调整 二.支持更多的移动终端 三.快速查询 四.社交听力系统 五.通过账户,产品,或者用户查看层级图表或分组 六.培训工具(课件) 七.快速创建联系人 八.CRM for Outlook在配制方面的改进 九.CRM for Outlook可同步的信息增加 十.业务流程的条件分支(本人觉得最

MSCRM 2015 新功能说明(一)

目前MSCRM2015已经发布,恭喜下大家又要学习知识了.. 本门只发布二个Link,其主要说明新版本的知识点,后期将慢慢说明: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics/crm-customer-center/what-s-new.aspx http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn531078(v=crm.7).aspx

2015新愿望 宝贝健康

八个月之后的宝宝调整的护理方式中最主要的就是减少他的穿衣.盖被,让他不再始终处于温暖出汗 的环境包围中. 其实为宝宝减衣减被也需要勇气和正确的判断,MM们总是担心宝宝会着凉的.标准就是,减衣减被后 ,摸摸宝宝的小手,温温的就是温度适宜.熟睡时,脚也是温暖的,但不出汗,就是最舒适的温度. 宝宝自身的散热和排汗功能还不够完善,大人如果穿衣多了,会觉得热.出汗.不舒服,而宝宝就不 一定.他又不会说话,只能这样热着.如果宝宝长期穿衣过多,手心经常是热热的,尤其是干热,不 出汗,就不是一件好事.这样过不了