RTL Compiler之synthesis steps

1  synthesis steps

1)  Search Paths    

    rc:/> set_attribute  lib_search_path path 
    rc:/> set_attribute  script_search_path  path  
    rc:/> set_attribute  hdl_search_path  path 

2)  Target Technology Library

    rc:/> set_attribute library  lib_name.lib 

   - Target Library: Design Compiler uses the target library to build a circuit. During mapping, Design Compiler selects functionally correct     gates from the target library. It also calculates the timing of the circuit, using the vendor-supplied timing data for these gates.

3)  Loading the HDL Files

   - sequentially:   read_hdl file1.v  read_hdl file2.v  read_hdl file3.v 

   - simultaneously: read_hdl { file1.v file2.v file3.v }  

read_hdl [-v1995 | -v2001 | -sv
| -vhdl [-library library_name ]
| -netlist]
[-define macro=value ] ... file_list

4)  Performing Elaboration

    This is only required for top-level design. The elaborate command automatically elaborates the top-level design and all of its references.

5)  Applying Constraints

     - Operating conditions; clock waveforms; I/O timing

6)  Applying Optimization Constraints

7)  Performing Synthesis

    rc:\> synthesize -to_mapped

8)  Analyzing the Synthesis Results

    - generate a detailed area report, use report area

    - generate a detailed gate selection and area report, use report gates

    - generate a detailed timing report, including the worst critical path of the current design, use report timing

9)  Exporting the Design

   - gate-level netlist  rc:/> write_hdl > design.v

   - design constraints  rc:/> write_script > constraints.g 

   - constraints in SDC format rc:/> write_sdc > constraints.sdc

10)  Exiting RTL Compiler

    quit or exit

2  recommended flow

#general setup
set_attributer lib_search_path ...
set_attribute hdl_search_path ..
#load the library
set_attribute library library_name
#load and elaborate the design
read_hdl design.v
#specify timing and design constraints
read_sdc  sdc_file
# add optimization constraints
#synthesize the design
synthesize -to_mapped
#analyze design
report area
report timing
report gates
#export design
write_hdl > dessign.vm
write_sdc > constraints.sdc
write_script > constraints.g
# export design for EDI
write_design [-basename  string ] [-gzip_files] [-tcf]
[-encounter] [-hierarchical] [ design ]

3  working in the top-level(root) directory

  Root is a special object that contains all other objects represented as a ‘tree’ underneath it.

  The root object is always present in RTL Compiler and is represented by a “/”, as shown in above Figure.

  Root attributes contain information about all loaded designs.

时间: 2024-12-25 13:45:59

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本文属于原创手打(有参考文献),如果有错,欢迎留言更正:此外,转载请标明出处 http://www.cnblogs.com/IClearner/  ,作者:IC_learner 对进行时序路径.工作环境.设计规则等进行约束完成之后,DC就可以进行综合.优化时序了,DC的优化步骤将在下面进行讲解.然而,当普通模式下不能进行优化的,就需要我们进行编写脚本来改进DC的优化来达到时序要求.理论部分以逻辑综合为主,不涉及物理库信息.在实战部分,我们将在DC的拓扑模式下进行.(本文主要参考虞希清的<专用集成

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