【MongoDB】The Access control of mongodb

In this blog we mainly talk about the access control including limitation of ip, setting listen port and usage of username and password. In the official document, mongodb server start without the argument , so once the connection
was created, the remote client could do everything. But in the productive environment it’s advisable to take security into consideration and to enhance the security protection. For the sake of lowing the potential risk, the above measures could be taken to
deal with these problems.

First, Binding IP address to access MongoDB.

Mongodb could put restriction on the ip address thought argument ‘bind_ip’ when being started. For example, now we only limit ip address[] to access the server.

Secondly, use the certain port

Thirdly,  add user and password

时间: 2025-01-14 04:35:22

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#1045 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) 解决方案: \wamp\apps\phpmyadmin4.1.14\config.inc.php $cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = '我的密码'; 作者:Jackson 出处:http://blog.csdn.net/jackson0714/article/details/44116991 本文版权归作者和CSDN博客共有

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1, Insert MongoDB is database storing document object, the type of which is called Bson.(like JSON); Example:  // document defination Now after using command[db.posts.insert(doc)], you will insert record successfully if seeing the The following pictu


本篇接着上面的四篇继续讲述在window平台下mongodb的分片集群搭建.在分片集群中也照样可以创建索引,创建索引的方式与在单独数据库中创建索引的方式一样.因此这不再多说.本篇主要聚焦在分片键的选取问题上. 分片键通俗来说就是分割海量数据的标记符. 如果更高效的划分海量数据往往依赖于分片键的选择. 分片键选得不好,应用程序就无法利用分片集群所提供的诸多优势.在这种情况下,查询和插入得系能都回显著下降. 一.低效的分片键 1.1 分布差 BSON对象ID是每个mongodb文档的默认主键.所有的


在上两篇博客中我们分别阐述了分片集群的工作原理以及搭建过程.在本篇博客中我们主要一起分析分片集群的测试结果: 首先看分片集群的各个状态,可以看的出复制集A和B都是正常的: 一.开启分片集合 开启一个数据库上的分片,这是对任何集合进行分片的先决条件. 假设测试数据库为slidetest. 分片集合定义注意:它看起来和索引定义有几分相似之处,尤其是有那个unique键.在对一个空集合进行分片时候,mongodb会在每个分片上创建一个与分片对应的索引.可以直接连上分片,运行getIndexs()进行验


1 下载 https://www.mongodb.com/download-center/community 比如: https://fastdl.mongodb.org/linux/mongodb-linux-x86_64-4.0.9.tgz 2 连接 # cd $MONGODB_HOME# bin/mongo master:27017/database_name 3 查询 1 count >db.getCollection('table_name').find({}).count() 2 g