mysql 创建函数ERROR 1418 (HY000): This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_f

mysql 创建函数的时候 报错

    ERROR 1418 (HY000): This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)ERROR 1418 (HY000): This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)

  Mysql 函数不能创建,是未开启功能:


mysql> show variables like ‘%func%‘;
| Variable_name                   | Value |
| log_bin_trust_function_creators | OFF   |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)  

mysql> set global log_bin_trust_function_creators=1;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)  

mysql> show variables like ‘%func%‘;
| Variable_name                   | Value |
| log_bin_trust_function_creators | ON    |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)mysql>


时间: 2024-10-13 05:45:21

mysql 创建函数ERROR 1418 (HY000): This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_f的相关文章

[Err] 1418 - This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creator【s

问题:执行创建函数的sql文件报错如下: [Err] 1418 - This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable) 解决办法也有两种, 第一种是在创建子程

This function has none of Deterministic,no sql,or reads sql data in its declaration and binary logging is enabled(you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable

这是我们开启了bin-log, 我们就必须指定我们的函数是否是1 DETERMINISTIC 不确定的2 NO SQL 没有SQl语句,当然也不会修改数据3 READS SQL DATA 只是读取数据,当然也不会修改数据4 MODIFIES SQL DATA 要修改数据5 CONTAINS SQL 包含了SQL语句 其中在function里面,只有 DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL 和 READS SQL DATA 被支持.如果我们开启了 bin-log, 我们就必须为我们的funct

Mysql ERROR 1418 (HY000): This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA

ERROR 1418 (HY000): This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable) 错误的原因: Mysql配置了复制,复制功能也就意味着Master

ERROR 1418 (HY000): This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA...

今天创建function CREATE FUNCTION `func_get_split_string_total`( f_string varchar(1000),f_delimiter varchar(5) ) RETURNS int(11) BEGIN return 1+(length(f_string) - length(replace(f_string,f_delimiter,''))); END 报错信息: ERROR 1418 (HY000): This function has

Error Code: 1418. This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled...

Error Code: 1418. This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable) 解决方法: 解决办法也有两种, 第一种是在创建子程序(存储过程.函数.

this function has none of deterministic, no sql,or reads sql data in its declaration and binary logging is enabled

原址: This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL解决办法 创建存储过程时 出错信息: ERROR 1418 (HY000): This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging i

MySQL创建函数报“ERROR 1418 ”错误,不能创建函数

MySQL创建函数报ERROR 1418错误,不能创建函数,根据官方提示是说,不能创建函数可能是一个安全设置方面的配置或功能未开启原因,下面我们一起来看. 错误 ERROR 1418 (HY000): This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less


错误信息: ERROR 1418 (HY000): This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable) 解决办法: 执行sql语句:set global lo

【MySQL案例】ERROR 1418

1.1.1. ERROR 1418 [环境描述] mysql5.0.67 [问题描述] 创建存储过程的时候遇到ERROR 1418报错. # 创建函数的SQL语句 CREATE FUNCTION `xxx`( num01 int ) RETURNSint(11) begin declare mm  int default 0; if  (xx) then set mm = num01*num01*10; elseif  xxx then set mm = 10; else case num01