amazon 设计 11 chess

1 public class ChessPieceTurn { };
2 public class GameManager {
3 void processTurn(PlayerBase player) { };
4 boolean acceptTurn(ChessPieceTurn turn) { return true; };
5 Position currentPosition;
6 }
8 public abstract class PlayerBase {
9 public abstract ChessPieceTurn getTurn(Position p);
10 }
11 class ComputerPlayer extends PlayerBase {
12 public ChessPieceTurn getTurn(Position p) { return null; }
13 public void setDifficulty() { };
14 public PositionEstimator estimater;
15 public PositionBackTracker backtracter;
16 }
17 public class HumanPlayer extends PlayerBase {
18 public ChessPieceTurn getTurn(Position p) { return null; }
19 }
21 public abstract class ChessPieceBase {
22 abstract boolean canBeChecked();
23 abstract boolean isSupportCastle();
24 }
25 public class King extends ChessPieceBase { ... }
26 public class Queen extends ChessPieceBase { ... }
28 public class Position { // represents chess positions in compact form
29 ArrayList<ChessPieceBase> black;
30 ArrayList<ChessPieceBase> white;
31 }
33 public class PositionBackTracker {
34 public static Position getNext(Position p) { return null; }
35 }
36 public class PositionEstimator {
37 public static PositionPotentialValue estimate(Position p) { ... }
38 }
39 public abstract class PositionPotentialValue {
40 abstract boolean lessThan(PositionPotentialValue pv);
41 }

amazon 设计 11 chess

时间: 2024-08-08 01:22:13

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