handsontable-developer guide-load and save

  $$ = function(id) {
    return document.getElementById(id);
  container = $$(‘example1‘),
  exampleConsole = $$(‘example1console‘),
  autosave = $$(‘autosave‘),
  load = $$(‘load‘),
  save = $$(‘save‘),

hot = new Handsontable(container, {
  startRows: 8,
  startCols: 6,
  rowHeaders: true,
  colHeaders: true,
  afterChange: function (change, source) {
    if (source === ‘loadData‘) {
      return; //don‘t save this change
    if (!autosave.checked) {
    ajax(‘scripts/json/save.json‘, ‘GET‘, JSON.stringify({data: change}), function (data) {
      exampleConsole.innerText  = ‘Autosaved (‘ + change.length + ‘ ‘ + ‘cell‘ + (change.length > 1 ? ‘s‘ : ‘‘) + ‘)‘;
      autosaveNotification = setTimeout(function() {
        exampleConsole.innerText =‘Changes will be autosaved‘;
      }, 1000);

Handsontable.Dom.addEvent(load, ‘click‘, function() {
  ajax(‘scripts/json/load.json‘, ‘GET‘, ‘‘, function(res) {
    var data = JSON.parse(res.response);

    exampleConsole.innerText = ‘Data loaded‘;

Handsontable.Dom.addEvent(save, ‘click‘, function() {
  // save all cell‘s data
  ajax(‘scripts/json/save.json‘, ‘GET‘, JSON.stringify({data: hot.getData()}), function (res) {
    var response = JSON.parse(res.response);

    if (response.result === ‘ok‘) {
      exampleConsole.innerText = ‘Data saved‘;
    else {
      exampleConsole.innerText = ‘Save error‘;

Handsontable.Dom.addEvent(autosave, ‘click‘, function() {
  if (autosave.checked) {
    exampleConsole.innerText = ‘Changes will be autosaved‘;
  else {
    exampleConsole.innerText =‘Changes will not be autosaved‘;


可在初始化或更新方法中设置persistentState为true:persistentStateSave, persistentStateLoad(把value存在valuePlaceholder.value), persistentStateReset,



时间: 2024-08-05 19:34:17

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