Master Note for Diagnosing ORA-7445 and Related Core Dumps (文档 ID 1092855.1)

In this Document

  Diagnosing (starting point isNote 7445.1)
  Additional Resources
  Community:Incident (600-7445) Analysis and Other Diagnostics

Applies to:

Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later Oracle Database - Standard Edition - Version and later Oracle Database - Personal Edition - Version and later Information in this document applies to any platform. ***Checked for relevance on 13-Dec-2013***


This article is intended to assist in finding tips and techniques to assist with finding solutions to ORA-07445 errors. The document will cover the following topics:
Concepts/Definitions Diagnosing Common Issues Additional Resources



While the ORA-600 error is “captured” as a handled exception in the Oracle source code, the ORA-7445 is an unhandled exception error due to an OS exception which should result in the creation of a core file. An ORA-7445 is a generic error, and can occur from anywhere in the Oracle code. The precise location of the error is identified by the core file and/or trace file it produces.

Diagnosing (starting point is Note 7445.1)

Whenever an ORA-7445 error is raised a core file is generated. There may be a trace file generated with the error as well.
Prior to 11g, the core files are located in the CORE_DUMP_DEST directory. Starting with 11g, there is a new advanced fault diagnosability infrastructure to manage trace data. Diagnostic files are written into a root directory for all diagnostic data called the ADR home. Core files at 11g will go to the ADR HOME/cdump directory. For more information on the Oracle 11g Diagnosability feature see
Note 453125.1 11g Diagnosability Frequently Asked Questions Note 443529.1 11g Quick Steps to Package and Send Critical Error Diagnostic Information to Support[Video]
NOTE: While the core file is captured in the Diagnosability infrastructure, the file may not be included with a diagnostic package.
1. Check the Alert Log
The alert log may indicate additional errors or other internal errors at the time of the problem. In some cases, the ORA-7445 error will occur along with ORA-600, ORA-3113, ORA-4030 errors. The ORA-7445 error can be side effects of the other problems and you should review the first error and associated core file or trace file and work down the list of errors.
Note 1812.1 TECH: Getting a Stack Trace from a CORE file Note 414966.1 RDA Documentation Index
If the ORA-7445 errors are not associated with other error conditions, ensure the trace data is not truncated. If you see a message at the end of the file
the MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE parameter is not setup high enough or to ‘unlimited’. There could be vital diagnostic information missing in the file and discovering the root issue may be very difficult. Set the MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE appropriately and regenerate the error for complete trace information.
For pointers on deeper analysis of these errors see
Note 390293.1 Introduction to 600/7445 Internal Error Analysis Note 211909.1 Customer Introduction to ORA-7445 Errors
2. Search 600/7445 Lookup Tool
Visit My Oracle Support to access the ORA-00600 Lookup tool (Note 7445.1). The ORA-600/ORA-7445 Lookup tool may lead you to applicable content in My Oracle Support on the problem and can be used to investigate the problem with argument data from the error message or you can pull out key stack pointers from the associated trace file to match up against known bugs.
3. “Fine tune” searches in Knowledge Base
As the ORA-7445 error indicates an unhandled exception in the Oracle source code, your search in the Oracle Knowledge Base will need to focus on the stack data from the core file or the trace file.
Keep in mind that searches on generic argument data will bring back a large result set. The more you can learn about the environment and code leading to the errors, the easier it will be to narrow the hit list to match your problem.
Note 153788.1 ORA-600/ORA-7445 Troubleshooter Note 1082674.1 A Video To Demonstrate The Usage Of The ORA-600/ORA-7445 Lookup Tool [Video]
NOTE: If no trace file is captured, see Note 1812.1 TECH: Getting a Stack Trace from a CORE file. Core files are managed through 11g Diagnosability, but are not packaged with other diagnostic data automatically. The core files can be quite large, but may be useful during analysis within Oracle Support.
4. If assistance is required from Oracle
Should it become necessary to get assistance from Oracle Support on an ORA-7445 problem, please provide at a minimum, the

• Alert log • Associated tracefile(s) or incident package at 11g • Patch level information • The stack trace of (a) core file(s) generated as a result of this error. See Note 1812.1 for details on how to get such a stack trace • Information about changes in configuration and/or application prior to issues • If error is reproducible, a self-contained reproducible testcase: Note.232963.1 How to Build a Testcase for Oracle Data Server Support to Reproduce ORA-600 and ORA-7445 Errors • RDA report or Oracle Configuration Manager information

Oracle Configuration Manager Quick Start Guide Note 548815.1 My Oracle Support Configuration Management FAQ Note 414966.1 RDA Documentation Index

Additional Resources

Community: Incident (600-7445) Analysis and Other Diagnostics


NOTE:7445.1 - Troubleshoot an ORA-600 or ORA-7445 Error Using the Error Lookup Tool

Master Note for Diagnosing ORA-7445 and Related Core Dumps (文档 ID 1092855.1)

时间: 2024-08-07 01:59:42

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