


????? 术语

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 描述


is being used for the old term EID (Entity IDentifier) and for the new term object identifier. A Tag identifies an? object in the NX database.? The objects are not limited to geometrical objects, but can include parts,?? instances, and occurrences.

用在旧的对象标识和新的对象标识之前。在NX数据库中,一个标识定义一个对象。对象不仅限于几何对象,也包括parts(部件)、instances 和 occurrences。

Piece Part

This is the lowest level part in an assembly; it contains? geometry and features that represent the physical object, but no components.?



When several parts are brought together into an assembly, the parts and their objects are not copied into the assembly part. Rather, the parts are loaded into memory, and part occurrences of those parts are put into the assembly part.?

当若干parts(部件)装配在一起时,这些parts(部件)和属于他们的objects(对象)不会被复制到装配部件中。而是将部件装入内存中,这些部件以part occurrences形式显示在装配部件中。

Object Occurrence

For each object in the piece part, an object occurrence of that object is made in the assembly part.

对于每个piece part中的每一个对象,以object occurrence 形式显示在装配部件中。


This is the term used to indicate the placement of a? component part within an assembly part. For each Instance, a Part Occurrence is displayed in the assembly part.

表示在装配部件内部的一个component(组件)的位置。对于每一个instance(实例),装配部件中都会显示一个part occurrence。


Assemblies can be multi-leveled.? For example, an? automobile can consist of the body and two instances of an axle assembly part, which itself consists of an axle and two instances of a wheel assembly part, which itself? consists of .... etc. In these cases, each Instance can have more than one associated Part Occurrence.??

装配可以是多层次的。例如,一个汽车可以由车身和两个轴装配部件的实例组成,而轴装配部件又是由轴和两个轮子装配组件组成,如此等等。这种情况下,每个instance(实例)可以有多个关联的part occurrence。

Component Part

This is the usage of a part within an assembly, at a particular location and orientation. A component may be a sub-assembly consisting of other, lower-level components. Each component in an assembly contains only a link to its master geometry.? When you modify the geometry of one component, all other components in the session using the same master update automatically to reflect the change.??
Old (V9) style components are stored in the Database as Type 63, Subtype 0. New (V10) style components are listed as Type 63, Subtype 1.


This is the master geometry to which an occurrence is linked.? In the case of a part occurrence, it is the piece part containing that master geometry.

原型:这个是一个被链接的occurrence的主几何体。对于part occurrence来说,它就是包含了主几何体的piece part。

Reference Set

This is a named collection of geometry from an NX part that may be used to simplify the representation of the component part in higher level, large, complex assemblies.? Whenever the name of a reference set is passed in to a routine, if the string is NULL or blank, the whole part is used.? If the string "Empty" is used, the empty?????? reference set is used.

Displayed Part

This is the part that is being viewed in the graphics window. It can either be a piece part or an assembly. The displayed part must be fully loaded.? A partially loaded part can be made the displayed part by opening it.

Work Part

This is the part whose geometry or assembly structure is being modified. The Work Part can be the same as the Displayed Part or any component of the Displayed Part if it is an assembly.? The work part may be partially loaded, but must be a member of the assembly which is the displayed part.? Only objects of the work part may be edited.?????? Object occurrences can not be edited, but they may be queried to find their data.


时间: 2024-10-19 17:40:25



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声明:本系列文章参考了网上的大量资料,除了少部分资料由于未作大量修改(但基本上也有少量修改,因为网上文章随意性较大,很多明显的笔误或前后矛盾之处,如若不改反而让人迷糊)而标明了原作者和出处之外,其余由于基本上已按自己的理解作了大量改写,因此没有再一一予以说明,在此对原作者表示歉意并感谢.另外,文中图片来自网络,也不在一一说明.同时,文中若有错漏,还请直接招呼板砖,不用客气. 关键术语解释 位: 即比特(Bit),亦称二进制位.比特位.位元.位,指二进制数中的一位,是计算机中信息表示的最小单位.B

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