Android_bug之 task ':app:mergeDebugResources'. > Some file crunching failed, see logs f

今天调试安卓程序遇到的问题Error:Execution failed for task ‘:app:mergeDebugResources‘. > Some file crunching failed, see logs f




Error:Execution failed for task ‘:PulltorefreshLibrary:mergeDebugAndroidTestResources‘.

> Some file crunching failed, see logs for details
AAPT err(Facade for 598446055) : No Delegate set : lost message:libpng error: CgBI: unhandled critical chunk

Gradle: Execution failed for task ‘:processDebugManifest‘


PulltorefreshLibrary res下的图片有问题

1.图片损坏打不开或格式错误直接把.jpg重命名.png文件 只改变了扩展名而格式没有得到改变 需要用转换软件进行转换

2.据说图片经过xcode4压缩后会出现该情况 如果情况属实 经过其他压缩软件压缩后是否会出现该问题 (没经过证实)




该错误不是一定会出现  所以当出现之前能编译突然出现该错误 而否认图片有问题

Android_bug之 task ':app:mergeDebugResources'. > Some file crunching failed, see logs f

时间: 2024-10-14 12:08:39

Android_bug之 task ':app:mergeDebugResources'. > Some file crunching failed, see logs f的相关文章

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:mergeDebugResources'. > Some file crunching failed, see logs f

今天调试安卓程序遇到的问题Error:Execution failed for task ':app:mergeDebugResources'. > Some file crunching failed, see logs f 主要是图片格式的问题,图片要用png格式的,直接修改图片格式会报这个错误无法调适 Error:Execution failed for task ':app:mergeDebugResources'. > Some file crunching failed, see

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:mergeDebugResources'. > Some file crunching failed, see logs for details

Android Studio 编译中断.... Error:Execution failed for task ':app:mergeDebugResources'. > Some file crunching failed, see logs for details 错误信息如上: 解决方案: drawable里面的图片格式保存不对,Android studio 当编译资源文件的时候(using AAPT(Android Asset Packaging Tool))会抛出异常, 只需要用图片编

插入图片后R文件变红,报错“Error::app:mergeDebugResources'. > Some file crunching failed, see logs for detail”

本想做一个有爱的小东西,插入图片后发现原本之前运行成功的程序, 出现了报错“:app:mergeDebugResources'. > Some file crunching failed, see logs for detail” 一脸懵逼~~~这是什么鬼,在别人的回答和博客里找找解决办法. 不过对我好像不管用,找了好久才发现是图片的问题. 之前只是简单的在重命名的时候把图片改成“xx.png”,放在了app/src/main/res/drawable文件夹里(ps:目前每次我都是在复制图片再粘

【转载】Android Gradle Build Error:Some file crunching failed, see logs for details解决办法

错误日志:Error:java.lang.RuntimeException: Some file crunching failed, see logs for details Log: FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':app:mergeDebugResources'. > Error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Crunch

Android Gradle Build Error:Some file crunching failed, see logs for details解决办法

错误日志:Error:java.lang.RuntimeException: Some file crunching failed, see logs for details Log: FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':app:mergeDebugResources'. > Error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Crunch

Android Studio 导入 Eclipse项目 报 Some file crunching failed, see logs for details

今天在用Android Studio 导入一个Eclipse的项目,报了如下错误: Error:java.lang.RuntimeException: Some file crunching failed, see logs for details Error:Execution failed for task ':app:mergeDebugResources'. > Error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Some file crunching failed,

Some file crunching failed, see logs for details 一种情形的解决办法

初学android开发,使用android studio,找了网上一个Demo学习学习,一番折腾之后终于排除了编码错误(编译之前就能检测到的错误). 打开模拟器,运行时,又发生若干错误,如图: 错误信息:Error:Some file crunching failed, see logs for details 一些文件处理失败,详情请看日志. 然后去看logcat,看看到底怎么回事,过滤器选择Error: 11-07 03:03:13.691 6290-6290/? E/memtrack: C

Android Studio 导入应用时报错 Error:java.lang.RuntimeException: Some file crunching failed, see logs for details

在app文件夹的build.gradle里加上 android { ...... aaptOptions.cruncherEnabled = false aaptOptions.useNewCruncher = false ...... }

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:mergeDebugResources'. > Crunching Cruncher ******.9.png

有时候在Android Studio导入Eclipse项目时,会出现Error:Execution failed for task ':app:mergeDebugResources'. > Crunching Cruncher ******.9.png这个问题, 出现这个错误的原因是: AS比eclipse 对待.9.png格式的图片更为严格,四条边都需要设置,要不然它不会让你通过,意思是你的图片不通过AS审核的要求 解决的办法: 1,如果你公司的美工好说话且不忙的情况下,你可以让你他给你修改