
The Windows version of Redis allocates a memory mapped heap for sharing with

the forked process used for persistence operations. In order to share this

memory, Windows allocates from the system paging file a portion equal to the

size of the Redis heap. At this time there is insufficient contiguous free

space available in the system paging file for this operation (Windows error

0x5AF). To work around this you may either increase the size of the system

paging file, or decrease the size of the Redis heap with the --maxheap flag.

Sometimes a reboot will defragment the system paging file sufficiently for

this operation to complete successfully.




解决办法:在启动时,在启动命令后面加上--maxheap ***(例如:--maxheap 300m)

时间: 2024-12-12 16:01:04



2015-04-22 22:42:36,825 | WARN | Exception thrown from LifecycleProcessor on context close | org.apache.activemq.xbean.XBeanBrokerFactory$1 | WrapperSimpleAppMain java.lang.IllegalStateException: LifecycleProcessor not initialized - call 'refresh' be


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解决方法(先不要关闭安装弹出的错误窗口): #启动VisualSVN Server报错提示Service 'VisualSVN Server' failed to start解决办法 1,运行:services.msc,打开服务器管理器,找到"VisualSVNServer": 2,点击右键--属性,打开"登录"选项卡.将"此帐户"改成"本地系统帐户".再回到安装程序弹出窗口处,选择"OK"即可:

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