The Text Splitting (将字符串分成若干份,每份长度为p或q)


You are given the string s of length n and the numbers p, q. Split the string s to pieces of length p and q.

For example, the string "Hello" for p = 2, q = 3 can be split to the two strings "Hel" and "lo" or to the two strings "He" and "llo".

Note it is allowed to split the string s to the strings only of length p or to the strings only of length q (see the second sample test).


The first line contains three positive integers n, p, q (1 ≤ p, q ≤ n ≤ 100).

The second line contains the string s consists of lowercase and uppercase latin letters and digits.


If it‘s impossible to split the string s to the strings of length p and q print the only number "-1".

Otherwise in the first line print integer k — the number of strings in partition of s.

Each of the next k lines should contain the strings in partition. Each string should be of the length p or q. The string should be in order of their appearing in string s — from left to right.

If there are several solutions print any of them.

Sample Input


5 2 3Hello




10 9 5Codeforces




6 4 5Privet




8 1 1abacabac


 1 #include<cstdio>
 2 char s[1000000];
 3 int main()
 4 {
 5     int n,p,q,k,l1,l2,l,g;
 6     while(scanf("%d %d %d",&n,&p,&q)!=EOF)
 7     {
 8             scanf("%s",&s);
 9             g=1;
10             if(n % p == 0 || n % q == 0)
11             {
12                 l1=(n%p == 0)?p:q;
13                 l2=n/l1;
14                 k=-1;
15                 printf("%d\n",l2);
16                 while(l2--)
17                 {
18                     l=l1;
19                     while(l--)
20                     {
21                         printf("%c",s[++k]);
22                     }
23                     printf("\n");
24                 }
25             }
26             else
27             {
28                 for(int i = 1; i < n ; i++)
29                 {
30                     for( int j = 1; j < n ; j++)
31                     {
32                         if(i*p+j*q == n)
33                         {
34                             printf("%d\n",i+j);
35                             k=-1;
36                             while(i--)
37                             {
38                                 l=p;
39                                 while(l--)
40                                 {
41                                     printf("%c",s[++k]);
42                                 }
43                                 printf("\n");
44                             }
46                             while(j--)
47                             {
48                                 l=q;
49                                 while(l--)
50                                 {
51                                     printf("%c",s[++k]);
52                                 }
53                                 printf("\n");
54                             }
55                             g=0;
56                             break;
57                         }
58                     }
59                     if(g == 0) break;
60                 }
61                 if(g != 0) printf("-1\n");
62            }
65     }
67 }
时间: 2024-11-05 15:58:45

The Text Splitting (将字符串分成若干份,每份长度为p或q)的相关文章


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codeforces 612A The Text Splitting(扩展欧几里得)

A. The Text Splitting You are given the string s of length n and the numbers p, q. Split the string s to pieces of length p and q. For example, the string "Hello" for p = 2, q = 3 can be split to the two strings "Hel" and "lo"


例如将一个BLM.txt文件分成前缀为 BLM_ 的1000个小文件,后缀为系数形式,且后缀为4位数字形式 先利用 wc -l BLM.txt       读出 BLM.txt 文件一共有多少行 再利用 split 命令 split -l 2482 ../BLM/BLM.txt -d -a 4 BLM_ 将 文件 BLM.txt 分成若干个小文件,每个文件2482行(-l 2482),文件前缀为BLM_ ,系数不是字母而是数字(-d),后缀系数为四位数(-a 4)

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/* 海滩上有一堆桃子,五只猴子来分.第一只猴子把这堆桃子平均分为五份,多了一个,这只 猴子把多的一个扔入海中,拿走了一份. 第二只猴子把剩下的桃子又平均分成五份,又多了 一个,它同样把多的一个扔入海中,拿走了一份, 第三.第四.第五只猴子都是这样做的, 问海滩上原来最少有多少个桃子? 解题思路: 从第五步逆推: 5x+1=4y; 4y+y+1=4z; 4z+z+1=4p; 4p+p+1=4s; 4s+s+1=最初 y=(5x+1)/4; 4z=5y+1=(5x+1)/4*5+1 */ #inc

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