C++: The PIMPL idiom

什么是PIMPL(pointer to implementation) ? see:




为什么需要PIMPL? Hurb Sutter:

Reason 1:

1. If not used, compilation time would be long as you expected. For example:

1 // headerFile.h
2 class C{
3 //,,,
4 private:
5     AComplicatedType act_;
6 };

The header file containing class C‘s definition must also #include the header containing the definition for  AComplicatedType ,which in turn transitively includes every header that  AComplicatedType might need, and so on. If the headers are extensive, compilation times can be noticably affected.

Reason 2:

That is because C++ performs name lookup and then overload resolution before accessibility checking.

 1 //global function
 2 int Twice(int);               //1
 4 class Calc{
 5 public:
 6     string Twice(string);    //2
 8 private:
 9     char* Twice(char*);     //3
11     int Test(){
12         return Twice(21);    //A: error. 2 or 3 would be unviable. Though 1 is viable,
13     }                        // it can‘t be considered because it‘s hidden
14 };
16 Calc c;
17 c.Twice("Hello");            //B:error. 3 is inaccessible( 2 would work fine, but it can‘t be
18                              //considered, because 3 is a better choice and  c++ perform overload
19                              //resolution before accessibility checking

As illustrated in the comments above.

Reason 3:

Exeception guarantee.

consider this:

1 class Widget{
2 public:
3     Widget& operator=(const Widget&);
5 private:
6     T1 t1_;
7     T2 t2_;
8 };

what happen when  T1 and  T2 is constructing and an exception throwed up ?

This would be a better approach:

 1 class Widget{
 2 public:
 3     Widget& operator=(const Widget&);
 5 private:
 6     struct Impl;
 7     shared_ptr<Impl> pimpl_;
 8 };
10 Widget& Widget::operator=(const Widget&){
11     shared_ptr<Impl> temp( new Impl(/*...*/) );
13 // change temp->t1_ to temp->t2_;
14 // if it fail, then throw, else commit using
16     pimpl_ = temp;
17     return *this;
18 };
时间: 2024-10-13 22:44:42

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1 参考 <effective C++> 条款31:将文件间的编译关系降至最低 PIMPL Idiom: http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?PimplIdiom 2 什么是PIMPL? PIMPL是指pointer to implementation.通过使用指针的方式隐藏对象的实现细节.是实现"将文件间的编译依存关系降至最低"的方法之一.另一个方式是通过接口实现,但其原理一样. PIMPL又称作"编译防火墙"."笑脸猫技术&quo


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