[Robotics: Aerial Robotics] Quadrotor Kinematics



3euler angles

4Axis/Angle Representation

5Rotations and Angular Velocities

时间: 2024-11-24 17:18:11

[Robotics: Aerial Robotics] Quadrotor Kinematics的相关文章

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转自 http://www.cnblogs.com/wenhust/ 书籍: 1.必读经典 Thrun S, Burgard W, Fox D. <Probabilistic robotics>[M]. Cambridge, USA: MIT Press, 2005 <Principles of Robot Motion Theory,Algorithms and Implementation> 2.有很多期,跟着会议一起出的文集 <Robotics: Science and


原文出处:http://www.cnblogs.com/wenhust/p/5942893.html 书籍: 1.必读经典 Thrun S, Burgard W, Fox D. <Probabilistic robotics>[M]. Cambridge, USA: MIT Press, 2005 <Principles of Robot Motion Theory,Algorithms and Implementation> 2.有很多期,跟着会议一起出的文集 <Robot


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Matlab Robotics Toolbox 仿真计算:Kinematics, Dynamics, Trajectory Generation

1. 理论知识 理论知识请参考: 机器人学导论++(原书第3版)_(美)HLHN+J.CRAIG著++贠超等译 机器人学课程讲义(丁烨) 机器人学课程讲义(赵言正) 2. Matlab Robotics Toolbox安装 上官网: http://petercorke.com/wordpress/toolboxes/robotics-toolbox Download RTB-10.3.1 mltbx format (23.2 MB) in MATLAB toolbox format (.mltb