---恢复内容开始--- quadrotor This is an example of a camera called a Ladybug in two versions of the black and the red one. Which is an array of cameras capturing panoramic views and producing panoramic videos. The Kinect is a camera that you have seen on t
The robot will not directly measure X unfortunately, but the robot may observe portions of x through it's sensors. This portion is labeled z, where the relationship between the state and measurement is given by the mixing matrix, c. Creditly both X a
Rank Conference Full Name1 OSDI Operating Systems Design and Implementation2 SOSP Symposium on Operating Systems Principles3 SIGCOMM Special Interest Group on Data Communication4 MOBICOM Mobile Computing and Networking5 SIGGRAPH Annual Conference on
转自 http://www.cnblogs.com/wenhust/ 书籍: 1.必读经典 Thrun S, Burgard W, Fox D. <Probabilistic robotics>[M]. Cambridge, USA: MIT Press, 2005 <Principles of Robot Motion Theory,Algorithms and Implementation> 2.有很多期,跟着会议一起出的文集 <Robotics: Science and
原文出处:http://www.cnblogs.com/wenhust/p/5942893.html 书籍: 1.必读经典 Thrun S, Burgard W, Fox D. <Probabilistic robotics>[M]. Cambridge, USA: MIT Press, 2005 <Principles of Robot Motion Theory,Algorithms and Implementation> 2.有很多期,跟着会议一起出的文集 <Robot