【LeetCode算法】Longest Common Prefix

Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings.

If there is no common prefix, return an empty string "".

Example 1:

Input: ["flower","flow","flight"]
Output: "fl"

Example 2:

Input: ["dog","racecar","car"]
Output: ""
Explanation: There is no common prefix among the input strings.


All given inputs are in lowercase letters a-z.




class Solution {
    public String longestCommonPrefix(String[] strs) {
        if(null == strs || strs.length == 0){
            return "";
        }else if(strs.length == 1){
            return strs[0];
        String result = "";
        for(int i = 1;i<=strs[0].length();i++){
            String prefix = strs[0].substring(0,i);
            for(int j=1;j<strs.length;j++){
                        result = prefix;
        return result;



时间: 2025-01-12 15:54:31

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