mutiple cycle cpu (转)


A single instruction enters the CPU at the Fetch stage and the PC is
incremented in one clock cycle. In the next clock cycle, the instruction moves
to the Decode stage. In the third clock cycle, the instruction moves to the
Access stage and the operands are loaded. In the last two stages, the
instruction is executed and the result is stored.

here‘s  multi-cycle datapath:

the first things you should notice when looking at the datapath is that it
has fewer functional units than the single cycle cpu. we only have one memory
unit, and only one alu. on the other hand, we have lots of registers that we
didn‘t have before: ir ("instruction register"), mdr ("memory data register"),
a, b, and aluout.

so, the obvious first question is: why can we get away with fewer functional
units, and why do we need all these registers? we don‘t need as many functional
units because we can re-use the same functional unit for a different purpose on
a different clock cycle. for example, during the first cycle of execution, we
use the alu to compute pc+4. on the second cycle, we use the alu to precompute
the target address of a branch.

we need the extra registers because we will need data from earlier cycles in
later cycles. for example, we read the register file in the second cycle of
execution, but we will need the values that we read in the third cycle. the
extra registers allow us to remember values across clock cycles.

if i point to any component on the multi-cycle datapath, you should be able
to tell me what it is and why we need it.

时间: 2024-10-27 08:02:28

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/ 本文将介绍一些作为程序猿或者IT从业者应该知道的CPU Cache相关的知识 文章欢迎转载,但转载时请保留本段文字,并置于文章的顶部 作者:卢钧轶(cenalulu) 本文原文地址: 先来看一张本文所有概念的一个思维导图 为什么要有CPU Cache 随着工艺的提升最近几十年CPU的频率不断提升,而受制于制造工艺和成本限制,目前计算机的内存主要是DRAM并且在访问速度上没有质的突破.因此,