

View the Exhibit for some of the current parameter settings. A user logs in to the HR schema and issues the following commands:
SQL> CREATE TABLE emp (empno NUMBER(3), ename VARCHAR2(20), sal NUMBER(8,2));
SQL> INSERT INTO emp(empno,ename) VALUES(1,‘JAMES‘);
At this moment, a second user also logs in to the HR schema and issues the following command:
What happens in the above scenario?
A. The second user‘s session immediately produces the resource busy error.
B. The second user‘s command executes successfully.
C. The second user‘s session waits for a time period before producing the resource busy error.
D. A deadlock is created.


142.In which situations will the ASM metadata backup help you recover the ASM disk in a disk group? (Choose all that apply.)
A. when one or more file directory paths are accidentally deleted from an ASM disk group
B. when one of the disks in a disk group is accidentaly unplugged
C. when the data file on an ASM disk group gets corrupted
D. when one or more disks in an ASM disk group are lost


143.Which two are the prerequisites to enable Flashback Data Archive? (Choose two.)
A. Database must be running in archivelog mode.
B. Automatic undo management must be enabled.
C. Undo retention guarantee must be enabled.
D. The tablespace on which the Flashback Data Archive is created must be managed with Automatic Segment Space Management (ASSM).


144.In your database, the RESULT_CACHE_MODE parameter has been set to MANUAL in the initialization parameter file. You issued the following command:
SQL>SELECT /*+ RESULT_CACHE */ sale_category, sum(sale_amt)
FROM sales
GROUP BY sale_category;
Where would the result of this query be stored?
A. database buffer cache
B. shared pool
D. large pool


145.You need to perform an online table redefinition of an existing SALES table to partition it into two tablespaces TBS1 and TBS2.
The SALES table has a materialized view, materialized log, indexes, referential integrity constraint, and triggers with the PRECEDES clause existing on it.
What action is required for dependent objects when you perform online table redefinition?
A. The dependent materialized view should have a complete refresh performed after the online table redefinition process.
B. Triggers with the PRECEDES clause should be disabled before the online table redefinition process.
C. Referential integrity constraints must be manually enabled after the online table redefinition process.
D. The materialized log should be dropped before the online table redefinition process.
时间: 2024-11-06 07:38:52


攻城狮在路上(叁)Linux(二十九)--- 完整备份工具:dump以及restore

一.dump命令: 该命令既可以针对整个文件系统进行备份,也可以仅针对目录来备份.还可以指定不同的备份等级(-0~-9共10个等级). dump -W:列出在/etc/fstab中具有dump设置的分区是否备份过. 命令格式: dump [-Suvj] [-level] [-f 备份文件] 待备份数据 参数说明: -S:仅列出后面的待备份数据所需要的磁盘空间大小. -u:将这次dump的时间记录到/etc/dumpdates文件中. -v:将dump的文件过程显示出来. -j:加入bzip2的支


在哪里调用监控器管理对象snapshotRepositoryMonitorManager的start方法及stop方法,然后又在哪里调用CheckpointAndChangeQueue对象的resume方法获取List<CheckpointAndChange> guaranteedChanges集合 下面跟踪到DiffingConnectorTraversalManager类的相关方法,在该类实现的方法中,调用了监控器管理对象snapshotRepositoryMonitorManager的相


Android学习笔记二十九之SwipeRefreshLayout.RecyclerView和CardView 前面我们介绍了AlertDialog和几个常用的Dialog,ProgressDialog进度条提示框.DatePickerDialog日期选择对话框和TimePickerDialog时间选择对话框.这一节我们介绍几个新的API控件SwipeRefreshLayout.RecyclerView和CardView,这几个API控件都是google在Android5.0推出的.下面我们来学


2.2.2 Photoshop投影大小的模拟 投影没有之前那么浓了,但是跟Photoshop里的效果差别还挺大,因为在Photoshop里我们还设置了另外一个属性:大小. Flash里似乎找不到它的影子,我们用排除法来进行定位,Photoshop投影样式的大小属性以像素为单位,Flash投影滤镜的选项只有距离和那对被“手铐”扣住的模糊属性符合条件,而Photoshop里也有一个距离,所以我们定位到模糊属性(图 2.15). 图 2.15 Flash投影的模糊属性 分别调整Photoshop的大小

Welcome to Swift (苹果官方Swift文档初译与注解二十九)---209~218页(第四章-- 流程控制)

Break break语句会立刻结束整个流程控制的执行.break语句可以在switch语句或者循环语句中帮助你提前结束循环或者switch的执行. Break in a Loop Statement  (循环语句中的break) 当在循环语句中使用break,会立刻结束循环的执行,并且跳转到循环体之后的第一行代码.循环不会再遍历执行了. Break in a Switch Statement (switch语句的break) 当在switch语句中使用break,break会立刻结速switc

每日算法之二十九:Search in Rotated Sorted Array

在一个经过旋转后的有序数组中查找一个目标元素. Suppose a sorted array is rotated at some pivot unknown to you beforehand. (i.e., 0 1 2 4 5 6 7 might become 4 5 6 7 0 1 2). You are given a target value to search. If found in the array return its index, otherwise return -1.


2.2.2 Photoshop投影大小的模拟 投影没有之前那么浓了,但是跟Photoshop里的效果差别还挺大,因为在Photoshop里我们还设置了另外一个属性:大小. Flash里似乎找不到它的影子,我们用排除法来进行定位,Photoshop投影样式的大小属性以像素为单位,Flash投影滤镜的选项只有距离和那对被"手铐"扣住的模糊属性符合条件,而Photoshop里也有一个距离,所以我们定位到模糊属性(图 2.15). 图 2.15 Flash投影的模糊属性 分别调整Photosh

【Unity 3D】学习笔记二十九:游戏实例——简单小地图制作

任何的学习,光看不练是学不好的.所以这次就总结回顾下怎么制作MMROPG类游戏中的小地图.在MMROPG类游戏里,主角在游戏世界里走动时,一般在屏幕右上角都会有一个区域来显示当前游戏场景的小地图.主角在游戏世界里走动,小地图里代表着主角的小标记也会随之移动.那怎么实现咧? 首先需要确定两个贴图,第一个是右上角的小地图背景贴图,应该是从Y轴俯视向下截取主角所在的位置大地图.第二个就是主角的位置大贴图.在本例中,因为没有学习unity地图制作,所以地图用一个面对象代替,主角用立方体代替,使用GUI来


vim是打开vim编辑器,别的编辑器还有vi(功能没有vim 强大),nano,emacs等等,感觉还是vim最强大,其次是vi,别的就要差一些了. 我听我们老师说,用图形界面本身已经会被高手笑了,如果打开一个gpedit或者kwrite那就废了......常用的命令 ls,列出当前目录下的文件,ls -l是列出详细信息,ls -a列出隐藏文件. cd,更改目录.clear,清屏命令.reset,重置终端. startx,启动图形界面.fdisk -l,查看硬盘分区. ps aux,列出系统进程