
本周:select * from table where datediff(week,C_CALLTIME,getdate())=0     --C_CALLTIME 为日期字段
本月:select * from table where datediff(Month,C_CALLTIME,getdate())=0   --C_CALLTIME 为日期字段
本季:select * from table where datediff(qq,C_CALLTIME,getdate())=0



select convert(varchar(10),getdate() - 1,120)


select convert(varchar(10),getdate() + 1,120)


select * from tb where 时间字段 >= convert(varchar(10),getdate() - 7,120)


select * from tb where 时间字段 <= convert(varchar(10),getdate() + 7,120) and 时间字段 >= 时间字段


select * from tb where month(时间字段) = month(getdate()) - 1


select * from tb where month(时间字段) = month(getdate())


select * from tb where month(时间字段) = month(getdate()) + 1



Select * From TableName Where DateDiff(dd, DateTimCol, GetDate()) = 1


Select * From TableName Where DateDiff(dd, GetDate(), DateTimCol) = 1


Select * From TableName Where DateDiff(dd, DateTimCol, GetDate()) <= 7


Select * From TableName Where DateDiff(dd, GetDate(), DateTimCol) <= 7


Select * From TableName Where DateDiff(wk, DateTimCol, GetDate()) = 1


Select * From TableName Where DateDiff(wk, DateTimCol, GetDate()) = 0


Select * From TableName Where DateDiff(wk, GetDate(), DateTimCol ) = 1


Select * From TableName Where DateDiff(mm, DateTimCol, GetDate()) = 1


Select * From TableName Where DateDiff(mm, DateTimCol, GetDate()) = 0


Select * From TableName Where DateDiff(mm, GetDate(), DateTimCol ) = 1



时间: 2024-10-13 05:48:06


oracle sql语句取得本周本月本年的数据

[sql] --国内从周一到周日 国外是周日到周六  select to_char(sysdate-1,'D') from dual;--取国内的星期几 去掉减一取国外的星期-- [sql] --取本周时间内的数据  select * from table  where DTIME >=trunc(next_day(sysdate-8,1)+1) and DTIME<=trunc(next_day(sysdate-8,1)+7)+1 ;     select * from table  whe

转: sql语句获取本周、本月数据

本周:select * from table where datediff(week,C_CALLTIME,getdate())=0     --C_CALLTIME 为日期字段本月:select * from table where datediff(Month,C_CALLTIME,getdate())=0   --C_CALLTIME 为日期字段本季:select * from table where datediff(qq,C_CALLTIME,getdate())=0 前半年1-6,后

sql 语句 获取某张表某列字段最短的某几行数据

sql 语句 获取某张表某列字段最短的某几行数据 SELECT C_name,C_code FROM Catalog where LEN(C_code)=LEN((SELECT top 1 C_code FROM Catalog order By LEN(C_code))) 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/woniucode/p/10455406.html


SQL语句获取各种时间的方法1. 当前系统日期.时间select getdate() 2. dateadd 在向指定日期加上一段时间的基础上,返回新的 datetime 值例如:向日期加上2天select dateadd(day,2,'2004-10-15') --返回:2004-10-17 00:00:00.0003. datediff 返回跨两个指定日期的日期和时间边界数.select datediff(day,'2004-09-01','2004-09-18') --返回:174. dat


$conn = mysql_connect("数据库地址","用户名","密码"); if(!$conn) { die("mysql conn failed"); } else{ mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'"); mysql_select_db("数据表",$conn); if(!$conn) { die("database selected f

SQL Server获取指定行的数据

SQL Server获取指定行(如第二行)的数据 --SQL Server获取指定行(如第二行)的数据-- --法一(对象法)-- select * from ( select * , number = row_number() over(order by Grade desc) from Students )  m where number = 2 --法二(排除法)--- select top 1 * from Students where Grade not in ( select top


批量插入表(表数据插表) ****1.INSERT INTO SELECT语句语句形式为:Insert into Table2(field1,field2,...) select value1,value2,... from Table1要求目标表Table2必须存在,由于目标表Table2已经存在,所以我们除了插入源表Table1的字段外,还可以插入常量.示例如下: 2.SELECT INTO FROM语句语句形式为:SELECT vale1, value2 into Table2 from


01 话说有一文章表article,存储文章的添加文章的时间是add_time字段,该字段为int(5)类型的,现需要查询今天添加的文章总数并且按照时间从大到小排序,则查询语句如下: 02 03 1 select * from `article` where date_format(from_UNIXTIME(`add_time`),'%Y-%m-%d') = date_format(now(),'%Y-%m-%d'); 04 或者: 05 06 1 select * from `article

SQL Server 获取本周,本月,本年等时间内记录

datediff(week,zy_time,getdate())=0 //查询本周 datediff(month,zy_time,getdate())=0 //查询本月 本季:select * from table where datediff(qq,C_CALLTIME,getdate())=0 前半年1-6,后半年7-12:select * from table where datepart(mm,C_CALLTIME)/7 = datepart(mm,getdate())/7 1. 当前系