Building a Web App with ASP.NET Core, MVC, Entity Framework Core, Bootstrap, and Angular

Since I have spent many years on Windows Application development in my first three years of software career.  I was interested in the C#, had tried to understand the basic knowledge about C#. The programs, the patterns, the object-oriented methodology, as well the thread, interface and so on .

But in the real engineering work, I had little chance to use them. While as fresh man in work, we only have the chance to do some basic things.

Some chores like to shoot a bug, and to understand thirty-party API and so on.

To be a software architect is just a dream. At least in the first three years.

Then I became a team leader of a test team with 6 members together. Our work is just to do simulation test, and then do test on the real instrument(semi-conductor machine). I have great knowledge about the hardware(semi-conductor machine) . Things didn‘t go well, I left the company for breakdown.

I still a pupil in software world, and with great passion. But with personal vision about future, chose a mechanical corporation, and then fight

with the mechanic man. two years later, I lost my passion to be there, I have lost my point, where I should go, where is my future. Be a middle management manager of the present corporation, or found a software corporation and went on the software work. I choose the later.

In 2012, I began to touch with Asp.Net, so with great passion and enthuse, I went on the software work again.

With almost three years, I got to understand the Asp.Net in last.  But the world changes so dramatically. MVC has appeared to try to adapt the .Net technology to the world. So start to read the books around it, do some little code around it. And then there is a chance I can to handle it by myself, then another chance to handle it. And now I got the MVC lastly.

But who know the new things will nonstop. .Net core appeared again, today I have to learning about it, maybe ten hours‘ reading and practice made me freshman again. Wow, this is great, .Net core completely inhabited the great point of MVC.  And much more open, and much more free. The most important is it will support all other platform.

Not only about the .Net core, the Azure platform also shows its‘ greatness. And the many things appeared.

The title just give a great list of what we should learn when do .net core development.

I also understand the difference between angular and the react. Both of them are in great relation with javascript.  There is an example to discript them, angular is a car, and the react is just an engine. it is just is.

So my conclusion is that:

In normal way just to practice them:

ASP.NET Core, MVC, Entity Framework Core, Bootstrap, and Angular .

But is some special environment, you had to learn the React. Since the entertainment world, you should try to use it. It‘s a great sword in View.

Not in the whole framework.  I finally understood why Angular has great relationship with TypeScript. Because Microsoft had developed it. As the angular was developed by google, and React developed by Facebook.

I am still a beginner, and then keep on.


时间: 2024-08-07 21:18:07

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