Saltstack module introspect 详解


Return running and enabled services in a highstate structure. By default
also returns package dependencies for those services, which means that
package definitions must be created outside this function. To drop the
package dependencies, set ``requires`` to False.

CLI Example:

    salt myminion introspect.service_highstate
    salt myminion introspect.service_highstate requires=False


Determine which packages own the currently running services. By default,
excludes files whose full path starts with ``/dev``, ``/home``, ``/media``,
``/proc``, ``/run``, ``/sys``, ``/tmp`` and ``/var``. This can be
overridden by passing in a new list to ``exclude``.

CLI Example:

    salt myminion introspect.running_service_owners


Return which packages own each of the services that are currently enabled.

CLI Example:

    salt myminion introspect.enabled_service_owners


时间: 2024-08-30 09:15:14

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