2.5 PCI Express Capability

The PCI Express Capability definitions below are based on the PCI Express 2.1 Base specification. Implementations may choose to base the device on a specification beyond the PCI Express 2.1 Base specification. In all cases, the PCI Express Base specification is the normative reference for the PCI Express Capability registers.
Note: TLP poisoning is a mandatory capability for PCI Express implementations. There are optional features of TLP poisoning, such as TLP poisoning for a transmitter. When an NVM Express controller has an error on a transmission to the host (e.g., error for a Read command), the error should be indicated as part of the NVM Express command status and not via TLP poisoning.

下面的PCI Express功能定义基于PCI Express 2.1基本规范。 实施人员可以选择将设备基于PCI Express 2.1 Base规范以外的规范。 在所有情况下,PCI Express基本规范都是PCI Express功能寄存器的规范性参考。
注意:TLP中毒是PCI Express实施的强制功能。 TLP中毒具有可选功能,例如变送器的TLP中毒。 如果NVM Express控制器在传输到主机时发生错误(例如,读命令错误),则应将该错误指示为NVM Express命令状态的一部分,而不是通过TLP中毒指示出来。


时间: 2024-10-25 19:46:13

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PCI Express

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