Vulkan SDK 之 Instance

上一篇 Vulkan SDK Demo 熟悉 粗略的了解了下,一个app是如何调用vulkan的api来展示一个立方体的,但是对其中的每一个api了解并不深刻,后面的系列会根据sample的tutorial Welcome to the Vulkan Samples Tutorial

, 结合官方提供的教程来深入的进行学习,Lunar在github上有一个repo,Vulkan Samples, 本章要学习的是instance。

Vulkan Samples需要设置msbuild和Camke的环境path,然后执行build_window_samples即可生成对应的project进行学习。





时间: 2024-11-19 04:18:23

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Vulkan Tutorial 04 理解Validation layers

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本文是对(的翻译,作为学习Vulkan的一次尝试. 不翻译的话,每次都在看第一句,那就学不完了. Background 背景 You've probably heard by now quite a bit about Vulkan, the new Graphics API from Khronos (the non profit organization responsibl


阅读目录(Content) Background 背景 System Setup 系统安装 Linux Windows Building and Running 建设和运行 Linux Windows General Comments 基础命令 Code Structure 代码结构 Source walkthru 源代码浏览 CSharpGL(56)[译]Vulkan入门 本文是对(


What are validation layers? 什么是验证层? The Vulkan API is designed around the idea of minimal driver overhead and one of the manifestations of that goal is that there is very limited error checking in the API by default. Even mistakes as simple as settin

Vulkan Tutorial 01 开发环境搭建之Windows

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