一道算法题目, 二行代码, Binary Tree

June 8, 2015

我最喜欢的一道算法题目, 二行代码.

编程序需要很强的逻辑思维, 多问几个为什么, 可不可以简化.想一想, 二行代码, 五分钟就可以搞定; 2015年网上大家热议的 Homebrew 的作者 Max Howell 面试

Google 挂掉的一题, 二叉树反转, 七行代码, 相比二行代码, 情有可原!

Problem: return the count of binary tree with only one child

想一想, 你要写几行, 六七行, 或小于十行?

Solution:  two lines code:



* Great arguments:

1. Since first line is the discussion of “node==null”, there is no need to check node!=null before the function countOneChildNode call.

2. How to express only one child?

case 1: left child is not null; in other words, there is a left child: node.left!=null

case 2: right child is not null; node.right!=null)

case 3: node has two child

(node.left!=null) && (node.right!=null)

case 4: node has only one child (A: left child only, B: right child only, one true, one false; left child existed != right child existed; cannot be both false or both true)


case 5: at least one child (one child or two child)

(node.left!=null) || (node.right!=null)

这道题非常好, 通过这道题, 你可以如何简化代码; 如果有一个出色的程序员, 有很强的逻辑思维能力, 想到只有一个孩子, 可以表示为一句话:  (node.left!=null)!=(node.right!=null)


public static int countOneChildNode(Node node)


if(node==null) return 0;

return (((node.left!=null)!=(node.right!=null)?1:0)+countOneChildNode(node.left)+countOneChildNode(node.right));


Github for source code:


时间: 2024-08-08 01:25:24

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