1.查找关键字 includes(); 返回布尔值
//①:includes -->代替-->indexof-->返回布尔值 var str = "769909303"; console.log(str.indexOf("9"));//2 console.log(str.includes("9"));//true
2. 重复字符 repeat();
//②:repeat -->重复 console.log(‘meow‘.repeat(3));
3.模块字符串 3个特性: ①:特殊字符再也不用转义了。 ②:变量拼接 + 换行拼接 ③:支持表达式
//3. 模板字符串 --> 对字符串中的特殊字符,再也不用转义了 var text = "This string contains \"double quotes\" which are escaped."; console.log(text); var text2 = `This string contains "double quotes" which are escaped.`; console.log(text2);
//拼接变量语法: ``+${}; const name = ‘Tiger‘;const age = 13;console.log(`My cat is named ${name} and is ${age} years old.`);//换行拼接let text = ( `cat dog nickelodeon` );
//支持表达式 let today = new Date(); let text = `The time and date is ${today.toLocaleString()}`;
4.结构--> 更方便拿到数组、对象中的值。注意:等号两边都不限制个数,像创建变量一样,默认为undefined。对象解构时,变量名要同对象名
//不限制个数var arr = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]; var [a,b,c,d] = [arr[0],1,2,3,4]; console.log(a);
var obj = {a:10,b:20}; var {a,b,c} = obj; console.log(a);
5.创建函数时,初始化默认值 ES6写法
function fun(x=0,y=0){ return x+y; } console.log(fun(5));//5 console.log(fun(5,10));//15
6.更简洁的合并数组 ...自定义剩余参数
var arrreat = [5,6]; var news = [1,2,3,4,...arrreat,7]; console.log(news);//1234567
时间: 2024-11-17 11:01:42