--使用在SQL2008,***查询字段说明和默认值 select object_name(c.id) as 表名 ,c.name as 字段名 ,t.name as 数据类型 ,c.prec as 长度 , p.value as 字段说明 ,m.text as 默认值 from syscolumns c inner join systypes t on c.xusertype=t.xusertype left join sys.extended_properties p on c.id=p.major_id and c.colid = p.minor_id left join syscomments m on c.cdefault=m.id ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- select * from sys.extended_properties --SQL2008 扩展属性表(字段注释,) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*在sql2000中使用*/ --获取所有默认值: select object_name(c.id) as 表名 ,c.name as 字段名 ,t.name as 数据类型 ,c.prec as 长度 , p.value as 字段说明 ,m.text as 默认值 from syscolumns c inner join systypes t on c.xusertype=t.xusertype left join sysproperties p on c.id=p.id and c.colid = p.smallid left join syscomments m on c.cdefault=m.id --获取单个字段默认值: select object_name(c.id) as 表名 ,c.name as 字段名 ,t.name as 数据类型 ,c.prec as 长度 , p.value as 字段说明 ,m.text as 默认值 from syscolumns c inner join systypes t on c.xusertype=t.xusertype left join sysproperties p on c.id=p.id and c.colid = p.smallid left join syscomments m on c.cdefault=m.id where objectproperty(c.id,‘IsUserTable‘)=1 and object_name(c.id) = ‘表名‘ and c.name = ‘字段名称‘ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --查询指定表的指定字段的默认值 select object_name(c.id) as 表名 ,c.name as 字段名 ,t.name as 数据类型 ,c.prec as 长度 , p.value as 字段说明 ,m.text as 默认值 from syscolumns c inner join systypes t on c.xusertype=t.xusertype left join sys.extended_properties p on c.id=p.major_id and c.colid = p.minor_id left join syscomments m on c.cdefault=m.id where objectproperty(c.id,‘IsUserTable‘)=1 and object_name(c.id) = ‘表名‘ and c.name = ‘字段名‘
时间: 2025-01-18 02:30:36