在windows系统上,如果编写C/C++等程序,只需利用visual Studio即可,但如果打算编写汇编程序,往往需要另外配置很多东西,另新手望而却步。
分别配置 include(xx.inc的头文件);lib(静态链接库);PATH(工具的路径)。
注意:如果你不添加环境变量,之后你在汇编文件中写代码,其包含文件必须使用绝对路径(include \xxx\xxx\masm32.inc)
1 .386 2 .model flat, stdcall 3 option casemap:none 4 5 include kernel32.inc 6 includelib kernel32.lib 7 8 include masm32.inc 9 includelib masm32.lib 10 11 .data 12 msg1 db "What is your name? ", 0 13 msg2 db "Hello ",0 14 15 .data? 16 buffer db 100 dup(?) ; reserve 100 bytes for input storage 17 18 .code 19 start: 20 push offset msg1 ; put in to stack the effective add of msg1 21 call StdOut ; call console display API 22 23 push 100 ; set the maximum input character 24 push offset buffer ; put in to stack the effective add of input storage 25 call StdIn ; call console input API 26 27 push offset msg2 ; put in to stack the effective add of msg2 28 call StdOut ; call console display API 29 30 push offset buffer ; put in to stack the effective add of input storage 31 call StdOut ; call console display API 32 33 exit: 34 push 0 35 call ExitProcess 36 end start
1. 定位到 a.asm 文件中。
2. 汇编,生成 a.obj 文件 ml /c /coff a.asm
3. 链接,生成 a.exe 文件 link /subsystem:console a.obj (注意:这是命令行程序,如果生成窗口程序,subsystem的参数要修改为 windows)
时间: 2024-10-16 14:03:12