UVA 699(二叉树建树与遍历)

M - The Falling Leaves

Time Limit:3000MS     Memory Limit:0KB     64bit IO Format:%lld
& %llu

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Appoint description: 
System Crawler  (2014-02-08)


 The Falling Leaves 

Each year, fall in the North Central region is accompanied by the brilliant colors of the leaves on the trees, followed quickly by the falling leaves accumulating under the trees. If the same thing happened
to binary trees, how large would the piles of leaves become?

We assume each node in a binary tree "drops" a number of leaves equal to the integer value stored in that node. We also assume that these leaves drop vertically to the ground (thankfully, there‘s no wind to blow them around). Finally, we assume that the nodes
are positioned horizontally in such a manner that the left and right children of a node are exactly one unit to the left and one unit to the right, respectively, of their parent. Consider the following tree:

The nodes containing 5 and 6 have the same horizontal position (with different vertical positions, of course). The node containing 7 is one unit to the left of those containing 5 and 6, and the node containing
3 is one unit to their right. When the "leaves" drop from these nodes, three piles are created: the leftmost one contains 7 leaves (from the leftmost node), the next contains 11 (from the nodes containing 5 and 6), and the rightmost pile contains 3. (While
it is true that only leaf nodes in a tree would logically have leaves, we ignore that in this problem.)


The input contains multiple test cases, each describing a single tree. A tree is specified by giving the value in the root node, followed by the description of the left subtree, and then the description of the right subtree. If a subtree is empty, the value -1 is
supplied. Thus the tree shown above is specified as 5 7 -1 6 -1 -1 3 -1 -1. Each actual tree node contains a positive, non-zero value. The last test case is followed by a single -1 (which would otherwise represent an empty tree).


For each test case, display the case number (they are numbered sequentially, starting with 1) on a line by itself. On the next line display the number of "leaves" in each pile, from left to right, with a single space separating each value. This display must
start in column 1, and will not exceed the width of an 80-character line. Follow the output for each case by a blank line. This format is illustrated in the examples below.

Sample Input

5 7 -1 6 -1 -1 3 -1 -1
8 2 9 -1 -1 6 5 -1 -1 12 -1
-1 3 7 -1 -1 -1

Sample Output

Case 1:
7 11 3

Case 2:
9 7 21 15

Miguel Revilla



int ans[10005],A;
struct tree
    int lca,date;
    tree *l,*r;
tree *build(int num,int ok)
    if(A==-1)return NULL;
    tree *p=new tree;
    return p;
void dfs(tree *p)
    if(!p)return ;
int cas=1;
int main()
    tree *root=NULL;
        if(A==-1)return 0;
        printf("Case %d:\n",cas++);
        int i;
        if(ans[i])printf(" %d",ans[i]);
    return 0;

UVA 699(二叉树建树与遍历),布布扣,bubuko.com

时间: 2024-12-14 12:51:25

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[2016-02-09][UVA][699][The Falling Leaves]

时间:2016-02-09 13:29:10 星期二 题目编号:UVA 699 题目大意:  给一棵树,每棵树有一个叶子,叶子的值是点权,求叶子垂直落下后, (同一个方向的形成一堆),求每堆叶子的总权值 位置的描述:每个左子树在根左边一个单位,右子树在根右边一个单位 分析: 遍历一遍二叉树,传参保存每个二叉树的位置,最后保存即可 每行不超过80个字符,那么节点数不大于80个,堆数不大于80个 方法:dfs,递归 解题过程遇到问题: 一行数据不一定就是一颗完整的树!!!!!!! 开始还以为读取到第


实验报告:二叉树创建与遍历 一.问题描述 二叉树是一种实用范围很广的非线性结构,一棵非空二叉树有也只有一个根结点,每个结点最多有两个子树,我们称为左子树与右子树,当一个结点的左.右子树都是空的时,沃恩称此结点为叶子结点. 二叉树有一些很好的性质,这里不再赘述.考虑如何存储一棵树,本实验选择使用链式存储结构——二叉链表:如果事先知道需要存储的二叉树是满二叉树或者完全二叉树,则可以考虑使用顺序存储,否则将浪费大量的存储空间. 对于一棵既成的二叉树,有三种遍历方式——先序.中序与后序.可以证明,一棵形