


For this exercise you will be strengthening your page-fu mastery. You will complete the PaginationHelper class, which is a utility class helpful for querying paging information related to an array.

The class is designed to take in an array of values and an integer indicating how many items will be allowed per each page. The types of values contained within the collection/array are not relevant.

The following are some examples of how this class is used:

 1 helper = PaginationHelper([‘a‘,‘b‘,‘c‘,‘d‘,‘e‘,‘f‘], 4)
 2 helper.page_count # should == 2
 3 helper.item_count # should == 6
 4 helper.page_item_count(0)  # should == 4
 5 helper.page_item_count(1) # last page - should == 2
 6 helper.page_item_count(2) # should == -1 since the page is invalid
 8 # page_ndex takes an item index and returns the page that it belongs on
 9 helper.page_index(5) # should == 1 (zero based index)
10 helper.page_index(2) # should == 0
11 helper.page_index(20) # should == -1
12 helper.page_index(-10) # should == -1 because negative indexes are invalid


进入6kyu 之后突然就吃力了些,感觉难起来的并不是编码,而是逻辑的完备性。




 1 # TODO: complete this class
 3 class PaginationHelper:
 5   # The constructor takes in an array of items and a integer indicating
 6   # how many items fit within a single page
 7   def __init__(self, collection, items_per_page):
 8     self.collection = collection
 9     self.items_per_page = items_per_page
12   # returns the number of items within the entire collection
13   def item_count(self):
14     return len(self.collection)
16   # returns the number of pages
17   def page_count(self):
18     if len(self.collection) % self.items_per_page == 0:
19       return len(self.collection) / self.items_per_page
20     else:
21       return len(self.collection) / self.items_per_page + 1
25   # returns the number of items on the current page. page_index is zero based
26   # this method should return -1 for page_index values that are out of range
27   def page_item_count(self,page_index):
28     if page_index >= self.page_count():
29       return -1
30     elif page_index == self.page_count() - 1:
31       return len(self.collection) % self.items_per_page or self.items_per_page
32     else:
33       return self.items_per_page
37   # determines what page an item is on. Zero based indexes.
38   # this method should return -1 for item_index values that are out of range
39   def page_index(self,item_index):
40     if item_index >= len(self.collection) or item_index < 0:
41       return -1
42     else:
43       return item_index / self.items_per_page
时间: 2024-10-13 12:02:40


【codeforces 718E】E. Matvey&#39;s Birthday

题目大意&链接: http://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/718/E 给一个长为n(n<=100 000)的只包含‘a’~‘h’8个字符的字符串s.两个位置i,j(i!=j)存在一条边,当且仅当|i-j|==1或s[i]==s[j].求这个无向图的直径,以及直径数量. 题解:  命题1:任意位置之间距离不会大于15. 证明:对于任意两个位置i,j之间,其所经过每种字符不会超过2个(因为相同字符会连边),所以i,j经过节点至多为16,也就意味着边数至多


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