Maximize Sum Of Array After K Negations

1         heapq.heapify(A)
2         for i in range(K):
3             heapq.heapreplace(A, -A[0])
5         return sum(A)


 1 A.sort()
 2         bZero = False
 3         ret = 0;
 4         minNum = sys.maxsize
 5         for a in A:
 6             if a < 0:
 7                 if K > 0:
 8                     a = -a
 9                     K -= 1
10                 ret += a
11             elif a == 0:
12                 bZero = True
13             else:
14                 ret+=a
16             minNum = min(minNum, a)
18         if bZero:
19             return ret
20         else:
21             if K%2 == 1:
22                 ret -= minNum*2
24         return ret



时间: 2024-10-31 15:35:22

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