cocos creator基础-(二十九)动画编辑器编辑地图路径











// gen_map_path.js 动画路径转换坐标的代码 已经升级到2.x
    extends: cc.Component,

    properties: {
        // foo: {
        //    default: null,      // The default value will be used only when the component attaching
        //                           to a node for the first time
        //    url: cc.Texture2D,  // optional, default is typeof default
        //    serializable: true, // optional, default is true
        //    visible: true,      // optional, default is true
        //    displayName: ‘Foo‘, // optional
        //    readonly: false,    // optional, default is false
        // },
        // ...
        is_debug: false,

    // use this for initialization
    onLoad: function() {
        this.anim_com = this.node.getComponent(cc.Animation);
        var clips = this.anim_com.getClips();
        var clip = clips[0];

        var newNode = new cc.Node();
        this.new_draw_node = newNode.getComponent(cc.Graphics);
        if (!this.new_draw_node) {
            this.new_draw_node = this.node.addComponent(cc.Graphics);

        // this.draw_node = new cc.DrawNode();
        // this.node._sgNode.addChild(this.draw_node);

        var paths = clip.curveData.paths;
        // console.log(paths);

        this.road_data_set = [];

        var k;
        for (k in paths) {
            var road_data = paths[k].props.position;

    start: function() {
        // test()
        var actor = cc.find("UI_ROOT/map_root/ememy_gorilla").getComponent("actor");
        // actor.gen_at_road(this.road_data_set[0]);

        actor = cc.find("UI_ROOT/map_root/ememy_small2").getComponent("actor");
        // actor.gen_at_road(this.road_data_set[1]);

        actor = cc.find("UI_ROOT/map_root/ememy_small3").getComponent("actor");
        // end

    get_road_set: function() {
        return this.road_data_set;

    gen_path_data: function(road_data) {
        var ctrl1 = null;
        var start_point = null;
        var end_point = null;
        var ctrl2 = null;

        var road_curve_path = []; // [start_point, ctrl1, ctrl2, end_point],
        for (var i = 0; i < road_data.length; i++) {
            var key_frame = road_data[i];
            if (ctrl1 !== null) {
                road_curve_path.push([start_point, ctrl1, ctrl1, cc.p(key_frame.value[0], key_frame.value[1])]);

            start_point = cc.p(key_frame.value[0], key_frame.value[1]);

            for (var j = 0; j < key_frame.motionPath.length; j++) {
                var end_point = cc.p(key_frame.motionPath[j][0], key_frame.motionPath[j][1]);
                ctrl2 = cc.p(key_frame.motionPath[j][2], key_frame.motionPath[j][3]);
                if (ctrl1 === null) {
                    ctrl1 = ctrl2;
                // 贝塞尔曲线 start_point, ctrl1, ctrl2, end_point,
                road_curve_path.push([start_point, ctrl1, ctrl2, end_point]);
                ctrl1 = cc.p(key_frame.motionPath[j][4], key_frame.motionPath[j][5]);
                start_point = end_point;


        var one_road = [road_curve_path[0][0]];

        for (var index = 0; index < road_curve_path.length; index++) {
            start_point = road_curve_path[index][0];
            ctrl1 = road_curve_path[index][1];
            ctrl2 = road_curve_path[index][2];
            end_point = road_curve_path[index][3];

            var len = this.bezier_length(start_point, ctrl1, ctrl2, end_point);
            var OFFSET = 16;
            var count = len / OFFSET;
            count = Math.floor(count);
            var t_delta = 1 / count;
            var t = t_delta;

            for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                var x = start_point.x * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) + 3 * ctrl1.x * t * (1 - t) * (1 - t) + 3 * ctrl2.x * t * t * (1 - t) + end_point.x * t * t * t;
                var y = start_point.y * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) + 3 * ctrl1.y * t * (1 - t) * (1 - t) + 3 * ctrl2.y * t * t * (1 - t) + end_point.y * t * t * t;
                one_road.push(cc.p(x, y));
                t += t_delta;

        if (this.is_debug) {
            this.new_draw_node.clear(); // 清除以前的

            for (var i = 0; i < one_road.length; i++) {
                this.new_draw_node.moveTo(one_road[i].x, one_road[i].y);
                this.new_draw_node.lineTo(one_road[i].x + 1, one_road[i].y + 1);
                // this.draw_node.drawSegment(one_road[i],
                //     cc.p(one_road[i].x + 1, one_road[i].y + 1),
                //     1, cc.color(255, 0, 0, 255));


    bezier_length: function(start_point, ctrl1, ctrl2, end_point) {
            // t [0, 1] t 分成20等分 1 / 20 = 0.05
            var prev_point = start_point;
            var length = 0;
            var t = 0.05;
            for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
                var x = start_point.x * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) + 3 * ctrl1.x * t * (1 - t) * (1 - t) + 3 * ctrl2.x * t * t * (1 - t) + end_point.x * t * t * t;
                var y = start_point.y * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) + 3 * ctrl1.y * t * (1 - t) * (1 - t) + 3 * ctrl2.y * t * t * (1 - t) + end_point.y * t * t * t;
                var now_point = cc.p(x, y);
                var dir = now_point.sub(prev_point);
                prev_point = now_point;
                length += dir.mag();

                t += 0.05;
            return length;
        // called every frame, uncomment this function to activate update callback
        // update: function (dt) {

    // },
// actor.js 角色沿路径行走代码
var gen_map_path = require("gen_map_path");

var State = {
    Idle: 0,
    Walk: 1,
    Attack: 2,
    Dead: 3,

    extends: cc.Component,

    properties: {
        // foo: {
        //    default: null,      // The default value will be used only when the component attaching
        //                           to a node for the first time
        //    url: cc.Texture2D,  // optional, default is typeof default
        //    serializable: true, // optional, default is true
        //    visible: true,      // optional, default is true
        //    displayName: ‘Foo‘, // optional
        //    readonly: false,    // optional, default is false
        // },
        // ...

        map: {
            type: gen_map_path,
            default: null,

        speed: 100,

    // use this for initialization
    onLoad: function() {


    start: function() {
        var road_set =;
        this.cur_road = road_set[0];

        if (this.cur_road < 2) {

        this.state = State.Idle;
        var pos = this.cur_road[0];
        this.walk_to_next = 1;


    start_walk: function() {
        if (this.walk_to_next >= this.cur_road.length) {
            // 攻击逻辑
            this.state = State.Attack;

        var src = this.node.getPosition();
        var dst = this.cur_road[this.walk_to_next];

        var dir = dst.sub(src);
        var len = dir.mag();

        this.vx = this.speed * dir.x / len;
        this.vy = this.speed * dir.y / len;
        this.walk_total_time = len / this.speed;
        this.walked_time = 0;

        this.state = State.Walk;

    walk_update: function(dt) {
        if (this.state != State.Walk) {

        this.walked_time += dt;
        if (this.walked_time > this.walk_total_time) {
            dt -= (this.walked_time - this.walk_total_time);

        var sx = this.vx * dt;
        var sy = this.vy * dt;
        this.node.x += sx;
        this.node.y += sy;

        if (this.walked_time >= this.walk_total_time) {

    // called every frame, uncomment this function to activate update callback
    update: function(dt) {
        if (this.state == State.Walk) {


时间: 2024-12-09 06:25:51

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