Cause of 400 Bad Request Errors

The 400 Bad Request error displays inside the Internet
browser window, just as web pages do.

Cause of 400 Bad Request Errors

The 400 Bad Request error is an HTTP
status code
that means that the request you sent to the website server (e.g.
a request to load a web page) was somehow malformed therefore the server was
unable to understand or process the request.

How To Fix the 400 Bad Request Error

  1. Check for
    errors in the URL
    . The most common reason for a 400 Bad Request error is
    because theURL was
    typed wrong or the link that was clicked on points to a URL with some kind of
    mistake in it.

  2. Though it‘s rare, the 400 Bad Request error could be an issue with the web
    site‘s server that you are trying to access. You may want to attempt to
    contact the webmaster or another site contact and inform them of the error
    message. The webmaster of most Internet sites can be reached via email at
    [email protected], replacing with
    the actual website name.

Still Getting 400 Errors?

If you‘ve followed the advice above but you‘re still getting a 400 Bad
Request error when trying to open a certain webpage or site, see Get
More Help
 for information about contacting me on social networks or via
email, posting on tech support forums, and more.

Be sure to let me know that the error is an HTTP 400 error and what steps, if
any, you‘ve already taken to fix the problem.

Errors Like 400 Bad Request

The following messages are also client-side errors and so
are related to the 400 Bad Request error:

 | 403
 | 404
Not Found
 | 408
Request Timeout

Server-side HTTP status codes also exist, like the commonly
seen 500
Internal Server Error
. There are many others too, all of which you can see
in my List
of HTTP Status Code Errors

400 Bad Request Related Content

Cause of 400 Bad Request Errors,布布扣,

时间: 2024-07-29 20:28:47

Cause of 400 Bad Request Errors的相关文章

400 Bad Request The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect ().

项目中一直出现400错误,后面搜索下,发现如下内容. SpringMVC报错信息为The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect () 在数据绑定的时候一定要主意Controller方法中的参数名和jsp页面里的参数名字是否一致或者按照绑定的规范来写,如果不一致,可能回报如下错误: The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect (). 从字面上理解是:客户

urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 400: Bad Request

1 import urllib2 2 import re 3 import os 4 5 def process_item(self, item, spider): 6 headers = { 7 "Host": '', 8 "User-Agent": 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.10; rv:53.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/53.0', 9 "

SpringMVC中出现" 400 Bad Request "错误(用@ResponseBody处理ajax传过来的json数据转成bean)的解决方法

最近angularjs post到后台 400一头雾水 没有任何错误. 最后发现好文,感谢作者 SpringMVC中出现" 400 Bad Request "错误(用@ResponseBody处理ajax传过来的json数据转成bean)的解决方法 今天开发过程中,在SpringMVC中的Action中处理前台ajax请求传过来的json数据直接转成对应的实体类时出错:400 Bad Request,后台也不报错,400指的的是请求无效(请求有语法问题或者不能满足请求),调试了好长时间

NetworkError: 400 Bad Request

"NetworkError: 400 Bad Request -http://localhost:8080/hdl/user/

400 Bad Request(angluarJs)

今天做一个编辑的功能的时候,像后台传递一个实体,结果报400 Bad Request的错误....找了好久也没发现错误,老是报(不支持GET方式提交),检查好多遍我都是用的POST...不知道问题出在哪了,后面百度发现说是参数对应不上,可是我参数也对应上了啊,最后查出发现是我提交的date类型的数据后台不接受 该属性实体和数据库都是Date类型,因为我用的angularJs用了过滤器转成日期形式显示之后,该属性就从Date变成了String类型,所以我用@ResponseBody提交实体的时候,

火狐浏览器访问网站出现 HTTP Error 400. The request is badly formed.错误,怎么解决

今天在访问某个网站时,出现一个"HTTP Error 400. The request is badly formed."错误, 那么应该如何解决呢? 1.问题描述: 用火狐浏览网站出现""HTTP Error 400. The request is badly formed."错误 2.问题原因: Http error 400错误请求,是客户端问题,跟服务器没关系(也就是本地出问题了) 3.解决方法: 通过清理垃圾.清洁注册表,或检查广告拦截模块及防火墙

记一次400错误引发的血案(URL中特殊符号的转义/400 bad request错误)

django+nginx+uwsgi部署的站点访问某个URL时发生了400 bad request的错误,而使用django自带的开发版的web server时没有遇到此问题.初步判断是nginx或uwsgi配置问题. 网上有说是因为request header过大而nginx配置的client_header_buffer_size和large_client_header_buffers过小引起的,但就当前的状态来看感觉不太可能.因为request header并不是特别大.至于是别的什么原因还

POST 400 Bad Request The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect

最近在做Web开发的时候,使用$.post提交数据,但是回调函数却没有被触发,按F12看控制台输出是:POST *** 400 Bad Request 后台是SpringMVC的,设置了断点也不会被触发. 后来查看JQuery资料了解到,$.post提交数据只有成功时才触发回调函数,于是改用$.ajax提交数据,添加error回调函数,得到错误信息了,如下图: 这个问题是什么原因造成的呢? 后来经过测试发现,是表单提交的内容数据类型与实体的(也就是数据表字段)的数据类型不匹配导致的. 在提交表单

HTTP ERROR 400 Bad Request

一springmvc项目中我新增记录完全ok,编辑就是不行,后台方法进不去.老是报错HTTP ERROR 400 Bad Request. 经过查询,说是400表示请求中的语法错误. 我把新增记录的请求信息拷贝下来,把编辑的请求信息也拷贝下来,然后用notepad++比较两个请求,终于发现原因就是id不匹配.freemarker这个坑货,数字喜欢加逗号分割,9789变成了9,789,所以映射失败了.因为字符串类型肯定无法映射到Integer上去. 在此记录一下.