POJ1320 Street Numbers【佩尔方程】




求解两个不相等的正整数N、M(N<M),使得 1 + 2 + … + N = (N+1) + … + M。输出前10组满足要求



要使 1 + 2 + … + N = (N+1) + … + M,那么 N*(N+1)/2 = (M-N)(M+N+1)/2,即

(2*M+1)^2 - 8*N^2 - 1,令x = 2*M + 1,y = N,就有x^2 - 8*y^2 = 1,就变成了典型的佩尔方程,

已知x1 = 3,y1 = 1,由迭代公式得:

xn = x(n-1)*x1 + d*y(n-1)*y1

yn = x(n-1)*y1 + y(n-1)*x1


x(n+1) = 3*xn + 8*yn

y(n+1) = xn + 3*yn


using namespace std;

int main()
    int x,y,x1,y1,px,py,d;
    x1 = px = 3;
    y1 = py = 1;
    d = 8;

    for(int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i)
        x = px*x1 + d*py*y1;
        y = px*y1 + py*x1;
        px = x;
        py = y;

    return 0;
时间: 2024-08-04 17:24:57

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