poj 3415

Common Substrings

Time Limit: 5000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K
Total Submissions: 7605   Accepted: 2524


A substring of a string T is defined as:

T(i, k)=TiTi+1...Ti+k-1, 1≤ii+k-1≤|T|.

Given two strings A, B and one integer K, we define S, a set of triples (i, j, k):

S = {(i, j, k) | kK, A(i, k)=B(j, k)}.

You are to give the value of |S| for specific A, B and K.


The input file contains several blocks of data. For each block, the first line contains one integer K, followed by two lines containing strings A and B, respectively. The input file is ended by K=0.

1 ≤ |A|, |B| ≤ 105
1 ≤ Kmin{|A|, |B|}
Characters of A and B are all Latin letters.


For each case, output an integer |S|.

Sample Input


Sample Output

22 5








我们这个东西就出现了 cnt * Right 次...真是太神奇了.....

  1 #include<cstdlib>
  2 #include<cstdio>
  3 #include<algorithm>
  4 #include<cstring>
  5 #ifdef WIN32
  6 #define fmt64 "%I64d"
  7 #else
  8 #define fmt64 "%lld"
  9 #endif
 10 using namespace std;
 11 const int maxn = (int)2.5e5,sigma = 26;
 12 char str[maxn];
 13 int k;
 14 int cmp(int, int);
 15 struct Sam{
 16     int ch[maxn][sigma << 1],par[maxn],stp[maxn],right[maxn],times[maxn],id[maxn];
 17     int sz,last;
 18     int idx(char x){
 19         if(‘a‘ <= x && x <= ‘z‘) return x - ‘a‘;
 20         else return x - ‘A‘ + 26;
 21     }
 22     void init(){
 23         for(int i = 1; i <= sz; ++i){
 24             memset(ch[i],0,sizeof(ch[i]));
 25             right[i] = times[i] = par[i] = stp[i] = 0;
 26         }
 27         sz = last = 1;
 28     }
 29     void add(int c){
 30         stp[++sz] = stp[last] + 1;
 31         int p = last, np = sz;
 32         for(; !ch[p][c]; p = par[p]) ch[p][c] = np;
 33         if(!p) par[np] = 1;
 34         else{
 35             int q = ch[p][c];
 36             if(stp[q] != stp[p] + 1){
 37                 stp[++sz] = stp[p] + 1;
 38                 int nq = sz;
 39                 memcpy(ch[nq],ch[q],sizeof(ch[q]));
 40                 par[nq] = par[q];
 41                 par[q] = par[np] = nq;
 42                 for(; ch[p][c] == q; p = par[p]) ch[p][c] = nq;
 43             }
 44             else par[np] = q;
 45         }
 46         last = np;
 47     }
 48     void ins(char *pt){
 49         int i;
 50         init();
 51         for(i = 0; pt[i]; ++i) add(idx(pt[i]));
 52     }
 53     void prep(char *pt){
 54         int i,x = 1;
 55         for(i = 1; i <= sz; ++i) id[i] = i;
 56         sort(id + 1, id + sz + 1, cmp);
 57         for(i = 0; pt[i]; ++i){
 58             x = ch[x][idx(pt[i])];
 59             ++right[x];
 60         }
 61         for(i = 1; i <= sz; ++i)
 62             if(par[id[i]]) right[par[id[i]]] += right[id[i]];
 63     }
 64     void comp(char *pt){
 65         int i,x = 1,match = 0;
 66         long long ans = 0;
 67         for(i = 0; pt[i]; ++i){
 68             if(ch[x][idx(pt[i])]){
 69                 x = ch[x][idx(pt[i])];
 70                 match++;
 71             }
 72             else{
 73                 while(x && !ch[x][idx(pt[i])]) x = par[x];
 74                 if(!x) x = 1, match = 0;
 75                 else match = stp[x] + 1, x = ch[x][idx(pt[i])];
 76             }
 77             if(match >= k){
 78                 ans += (long long)(match - max(k, stp[par[x]] + 1) + 1) * right[x];
 79                 if(par[x] && k <= stp[par[x]]) times[par[x]]++;
 80             }
 81         }
 82         for(i = 1; i <= sz; ++i){
 83             int t = id[i];
 84             ans += (long long)times[t] * right[t] * (stp[t] - max(k, stp[par[t]] + 1) + 1);
 85             if(par[t] && k <= stp[par[t]]) times[par[t]] += times[t];
 86         }
 87         printf(fmt64"\n",ans);
 88     }
 89 }sam;
 90 int cmp(int x,int y){
 91     return sam.stp[x] > sam.stp[y];
 92 }
 93 int main()
 94 {
 95     freopen("csb.in","r",stdin);
 96     freopen("csb.out","w",stdout);
 97     while(scanf("%d\n",&k) != EOF,k){
 98         scanf("%s\n",str);
 99         sam.ins(str);
100         sam.prep(str);
101         scanf("%s\n",str);
102         sam.comp(str);
103     }
104     return 0;
105 } 

时间: 2025-01-16 07:48:14

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