
set statistics io on
set statistics time on
--SQL Server 2012分页方式
select * from Production.Product
order by ProductID offset 20 row fetch next 10 rows only
--SQL Server 05/08分页方式
with cte as
 select row_number() over(order by productid) as rowNum,* from production.product
select * from cte where rowNum>20 and rowNum<=30
select * from (select row_number() over(order by productid) as rowNum,* from production.product) cte
where rowNum>20 and rowNum<=30

select top 10 * from Production.Product where ProductID not in
   select top 20 ProductID from Production.Product order by ProductID
) order by ProductID 

select top 10 * from Production.Product where ProductID>
 select max(ProductID) from (select top 20 ProductID from Production.Product order by ProductID) as temp
) order by ProductID


时间: 2025-01-04 14:58:35



1.查看所有表的名称 Postgresql,greeplum,如果数据库在几千里以外,数据量巨大,网速不好,使用pgadmin客户端,那么你大部分时间都要浪费在等在中... 使用pgadmin的query是个不错的选择,但是,怎么才能知道表名呢,这丫真没mysql好用—— SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables where tablename not like 'gp%' and tablename not like 'gp%' and tablename not lik

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--检查数据库的等待事件 from v$session_waitwhere event not like 'SQL%' and event not like 'rdbms%' --找出系统中耗时的操作select b.username username,a.disk_reads reads,       a.executions exec,a.disk_reads/decode(a.executions,0,1,a.executions)           rds_exec_ratio,   


1.统计9月注册角色首次充值时的游戏时长分布(分钟,人数),单位:分钟 SELECT sub.minutes,        Count(roleId) AS count FROM   (SELECT pr.roleId,                Timestampdiff(MINUTE, Max(player_login.logTime), pr.logTime)                + Ifnull(Max(player_logout.totalOnlineMins), 0)


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phalcon 毕竟无法看到源代码,有些小设置还是需要实践记忆. 一.如何调用config.php里面的配置 很多时候,我们习惯将全局的配置参数放入主配置文件中,比如分页数.比如appkey之类. 'params' => array(  //加入config.php中,那controller中如何调用呢 'limit' => 10, ) 想要在controller中调用,可以通过services.php $di->set('main_config', $config); //将配置文件作