POJ 2417 Discrete Logging



 1 #include<algorithm>
 2 #include<cstdio>
 3 #include<cmath>
 4 #include<cstring>
 5 #include<iostream>
 6 #include<map>
 7 #define ll long long
 8 ll p;
 9 std::map<ll , int> mp;
10 ll Pow(ll x,ll y){
11     ll res=1;
12     while (y){
13         if (y%2) res=(res*x)%p;
14         x=(x*x)%p;
15         y/=2;
16     }
17     return res;
18 }
19 ll solve(ll a,ll b){
20     a%=p;
21     if (a==0){
22         if (b==0) return 0;
23         else return -1;
24     }
25     mp.clear();
26     ll m=sqrt(p)+1,t=1,I=1;
27     for (int i=1;i<m;i++){
28         t=t*a%p;
29         if (!mp[t]) mp[t]=i;
30     }
31     mp[1]=m+1;
32     ll Im=Pow(a,p-1-m);
33     for (int k=0;k<m;k++){
34         int i=mp[I*b%p];
35         if (i!=0){
36             if (i==m+1) i=0;
37             return i+k*m;
38         }
39         I=I*Im%p;
40     }
41     return -1;
42 }
43 int main(){
44     ll a,b;
45     while (scanf("%lld%lld%lld",&p,&a,&b)!=EOF){
46         ll ans=solve(a,b);
47         if (ans==-1) puts("no solution");
48         else printf("%lld\n",ans);
49     }
50 }
时间: 2024-10-05 12:28:08

POJ 2417 Discrete Logging的相关文章

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链接:http://poj.org/problem?id=2417 题意: 思路:求离散对数,Baby Step Giant Step算法基本应用. 以下转载自:AekdyCoin [普通Baby Step Giant Step] [问题模型] 求解 A^x = B (mod C) 中 0 <= x < C 的解,C 为素数 [思路] 我们可以做一个等价 x = i * m + j  ( 0 <= i < m, 0 <=j < m) m = Ceil ( sqrt( C

BSGS算法+逆元 POJ 2417 Discrete Logging

POJ 2417 Discrete Logging Time Limit: 5000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 4860   Accepted: 2211 Description Given a prime P, 2 <= P < 231, an integer B, 2 <= B < P, and an integer N, 1 <= N < P, compute the discrete logarith

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POJ 2417 Discrete Logging ( Baby step giant step )

Discrete Logging Time Limit: 5000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 3696   Accepted: 1727 Description Given a prime P, 2 <= P < 231, an integer B, 2 <= B < P, and an integer N, 1 <= N < P, compute the discrete logarithm of N, b

POJ 2417 Discrete Logging BSGS

Discrete Logging Time Limit: 5000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 4011   Accepted: 1849 Description Given a prime P, 2 <= P < 231, an integer B, 2 <= B < P, and an integer N, 1 <= N < P, compute the discrete logarithm of N, b

poj 2417 Discrete Logging 数论baby_step,giant_step算法

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