as follows ,as follow && following

在现在牛津英语上,as follow 和 as follows


为了保证正确性,你应该用as follows,单数的最好少用。意义差不多,只是口语中多些

英文的电子邮件时常会涉及到“具体情况/列表/名单如下”这样的表达法。这其实就是as follows 与following 的用法。总的来说是多用as follows,少用following 就好。具体的阐述和解释as follows:

as follows与following 的区别
  "As follows" is often used to introduce a list (of things, etc.) E.g. The 75 students are divided into five groups as follows: group 1 - group 5

We may also say:
1. The 75 students are divided into the following five groups:
2. The five groups of 75 students can be found in the following list:
    简单来说As follows (不是as follow )是惯用语的构成形式,而不管前面的名词是单数还是复数形式.some regular examples as follows:
 The method I use is as follows.我使用的方法如下
 The Procedure is as follows 过程如下
 Please contact him in the first instance,who is  available via the following contact details:
 The functions of the Authority are listed as follows

Those facilities are listed as follows

Your Company will be listed as follows

    关于following 的四个绝佳例句:

1、It rained on the day we arrived, but the following day was sunny. 我们到达的那天正下雨, 但次日天气晴朗.

2、Answer the following question(s). 回答下列问题.

3、The following is of the greatest importance. 下面一点最为重要.

4、The following are extracts from the original article. 下面是原文的节选.

时间: 2024-10-06 05:55:05

as follows ,as follow && following的相关文章


一,要知道什么是终结符和非终结符. 终结符:通俗的说就是不能单独出现在推导式左边的符号,也就是说终结符不能再进行推导. 非终结符:不是终结符的都是非终结符.(非男即女,呵呵) 如:A-->B,则A是非终结符. (一般书上终结符用小写,非终结符用大写.) 二,文法产生语言句子的基本思想:从识别符号(开始符)开始,把当前产生的符号串中的非终结符替换为相应规则右部的符号串,直到全部由终结符组成. 三,FIRST集求法 First集合最终是对产生式右部的字符串而言的,但其关键是求出非终结符的First集


闲来无事,就把龙书拿出来有看了看,把最近学的总结一下. FIRST(X)集合定义:可从X推导得到的串的首符号的集合,其中X是任意文法符号.如果X=>······=>ε ,那么ε也在FIRST(X)中.(定义来自龙书) 算法伪代码(非准确版): <span style="font-size:14px;">foreach(nonterminal N) FIRST(N) = {} while(some set is changing) foreach (product

To follow the path

look to the master,    follow the master,    walk with the master,    see through the master,    become the master.

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e:\vehiclesecurity\wpdpack_4_1_2\include\pcap-stdinc.h(80) : error C2054: expected '(' to follow '_W64' e:\vehiclesecurity\wpdpack_4_1_2\include\pcap-stdinc.h(80) : error C2085: 'uintptr_t' : not in formal parameter list e:\vehiclesecurity\wpdpack_4_

用python实现wireshark的follow tcp stream功能

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欢迎大家Follow me!微软MVP罗勇(Dynamics CRM方向)欢迎您!

我是一名八零后,来自湖南乡村,2002年毕业于大连大学工商管理专业,主要靠自学走上了编程之路.从2012年开始接触Dynamics CRM 2011,一直从事Dynamics CRM方面工作,熟悉Dynamics CRM各个版本,写过各个版本新特性介绍,截至2017年6月28日,已经累计撰写了Dynamics CRM和Dynamics CRM相关文章259篇. 2013年11月3日我的微信公众号,2013年12月23日我的易信公众号开通,账号都是 微软动态CRM专家罗勇,欢迎大家扫一扫,foll


花了点时间弄了个大概,希望对和我一样的人有所帮助. 文法如下: E -> TE'E' -> +TE'|εT -> FT'T' -> *FT'|εF -> (E)|id ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRST集:


import hjzgg.first.First; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; public class Follow { private Map<String, Set<Character>> first = null; private Map<St

用node加redis实现follow,tag,feed系统 follow,tag,和feed系统都非常适合用redis来实现,以tag系统为例: 用户ltebean要给nodejs加一个标签amazing就是: sadd user:ltebean:tag:amazing nodejs sadd user:ltebean:item:nodejs amazing 存一个反向关系是为了即能根据tag查也能根据item查,下面是redis的command: 拿到