iOS7可以下载没有任何问题,iOS8发现挂在官网上的企业版的app点击了提示是否安装应用程序,但是确认以后没有反应,找了很久,都没有发现问题。后来查看了的device console发现安装的时候出现
LoadExternalDownloadManifestOperation: Ignore manifest download, already have bundleID: com.mycom.MyApp
The biggest issue for us is that we can not reproduce this onany of our devices. Our suspicion is that iOS 8 has some internalcache with bundle IDs and just doesn‘t install a build if it thinksthat an app with this bundle ID is already installed. As theinstallation doesn‘t even start, we think that iOS is matching thebundle identifier from the manifest plist against this cache.
它会寻找是否ios缓存的identifier与bundle identifier在plist文件中匹配,如果匹配,它会认为已经安装了,就不会有反应。 上面解释的很清楚。所以解决办法就是在plist文件中修改bundle Identifier。