
The UIApplication class provides a centralized point of control and coordination for apps running on iOS. Every app must have exactly one instance of UIApplication (or a subclass of UIApplication). When an app is launched, the UIApplicationMain function is called; among its other tasks, this function creates a singleton UIApplication object. Thereafter you access this object by invoking the sharedApplication class method.


UIApplicationMain 方法会被调用;在它的其它任务中,这个方法创建了一个单个UIApplication对象。此后通过调用sheredApplication 类方法来访问这个对象。

A major role of a UIApplication object is to handle the initial routing of incoming user events. It also dispatches action messages forwarded to it by control objects (UIControl) to the appropriate target objects. In addition, the UIApplication object maintains a list of all the windows (UIWindow objects) currently open in the app, so through those it can retrieve any of the app’s UIView objects. The app object is typically assigned a delegate, an object that the app informs of significant runtime events—for example, app launch, low-memory warnings, and app termination—giving it an opportunity to respond appropriately.


Apps can cooperatively handle a resource such as an email or an image file through the openURL: method. For example, an app opening an email URL with this method may cause the mail client to launch and display the message.


The programmatic interfaces of UIApplication allow you to manage behavior that is specific to the device. Use this object to do the following:


  • Control the app’s response to changes in interface orientation.
  • 控制app对于改变界面方向的反应
  • Temporarily suspend incoming touch events.
  • 短暂暂停即将发生触摸事件
  • Turn proximity sensing (of the user’s face) off and on again.
  • 关闭 距离传感器? 和再次开启
  • Register for remote notifications.
  • 注册远程通知
  • Trigger the undo-redo UI (applicationSupportsShakeToEdit).
  • 触发 取消重做UI
  • Determine whether an installed app can open a URL (canOpenURL:).
  • 决定是否一个已经安装的app可以打开某个地址
  • Extend the execution of the app so that it can finish a task in the background.
  • 扩展运行范围使得app可以在后台完成任务
  • Schedule and cancel local notifications.
  • 安排和取消本地通知
  • Coordinate the reception of remote-control events.
  • 协调接收远程控制事件
  • Perform app-level state restoration tasks.
  • 执行app层面的状态恢复任务

UIApplication defines a delegate that must adopt the UIApplicationDelegate protocol and implement some of the protocol methods.


时间: 2024-12-18 09:30:51



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UIApplication简介: UIApplication对象是应用程序的象征. 每一个应用程序都有自己的UIApplication对象,而且是单例. 一个iOS程序启动后创建的第一个对象就是UIApplication对象. 通过UIApplication *app = [UIApplication sharedApplication];可以获得这个单例对象. 利用UIApplication对象能进行一些应用级别的操作. 利用UIApplication对象能进行一些应用级别的操作. 设置应用程


UIApplication对象特点: 特点1: UIApplication对象是应用程序的象征,一个UIApplication对象就代表一个应用程序,而且是单例的.(用来封装整个应用程序的一个对象, 比如当应用程序执行到某个时期要做什么, 生命周期等.) 获取UIApplication对象:[UIApplication sharedApplication] 一个iOS程序启动后,创建的第一个对象就是UIApplication对象,且只有一个. 举例:通过代码获取两个UIApplication对象

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1 // 2 // UIKIT各框架的简介 3 // IOS笔记 4 // 5 // Created by 刘威成 on 13/12/14. 6 // Copyright © 2015年 刘威成. All rights reserved. 7 // 8 9 1.UIAcceleration: 10 被叫做加速事件的一个UIAcceleration类的实例是用来代表即时的三维加速数据.为了接收重力加速度,要注册一个应用应用程序作为一个共享UIAccelerater对象的委托对象(参考UIAccel

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